♣ Chapter 18 ♣

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I will change some things that happen in the festival, so don't be mad at me. I didn't change much. Just some things that happened in the execution.

(Sally's POV)

We quickly turned around to see Tommy.

"Finally! I've been looking everywhere for tou guys!" I roll my eyes.

Wilbur laughs "Tommy! We were just talking about you!" Tommy gave him a questioning look "Really?" He asked. Wilbur nodded "Yeah! We were talking about how you think I'm insane! I'm not insane, Tommy."

Wilbur stepped away from the fence and walkes towards Tommy. "Listen to me carefully, Tommy." Tommy gulped and nodded. "Please just respect my actions. You don't have to agree with me, just respect my actions." Wilbur plead.

"L'manberg is being detonated tonight, whether your on my side or not. Tommy we've been through so much together.... Don't undo everything because of your weird ideas of patronism and heroism. This isn't about herosim this is about victory." Wilbur explained to Tommy.

"Dream already rigged the city?" Tommy asked. Wilbur nodded then sighed "Look, Tommy, at the end of the day it doesn't matter. At the end of the day-" Tommy interrupted Wil "Wilbur, I'm with you." Wilbur's eyes widened "Really?"

And they hugged. I haven't seen them hug like that since they got L'manberg independance. And that was 4 months ago. "I'm happy that you two are FINALLY getting along again." We all laugh.

"Okay, so, here's the plan. When Tubbo is up on that stage an giving his speech, he's gonna end it by saying 'Let the festival begin' and on that phrase, he's going to run away and pull Fundy with him. Fundy doesn't know we're doing this. And Sally will enderpearl over to Niki and help her. Then I will jump down into the button room and slam the button." He explained.

"Tubbo's with us, right? He's in on this? Because I don't want to do anything Tubbo doesn't want." Tommy asked. "Tubbo was okay with it when I explained the plan to him." Tommy nodded "Okay then.

Then we went back to Pogtopia.


When we got back to Pogtopia we were looking for Technoblade. He was obviously in his room. It looked like he was talking to some people but when we walked in, he shook his head and looked at us.

"Techno, are you coming with us?" Wilbur asked him. "With you nerds? Nah, I am actually invited." Techno answered. Wilbur shrugged "Have fun then, just make sure your out of the way when Tubbo says the detonation line. I told you about the plan right?" Techno nodded. "Good. You can go now." Techno rolled his eyes.

"Let's go aswell."


We were at our usual spot on the NASA building. Wilbur was standinf and looking over everythinf while me and Tommy were sitting down and being careful not to get seen.

"Wilbur, what are you doing? People might see you! Aren't you worried about the fact that we aren't invited here!" Tommy whisper-yelled at Wilbur. Wilbur then sat down and leaned his head on his knuckle "I am being careful, Toms." He said.

"You're not wearing any armor! You don't even have any weapons!" Wilbur rolled his eyes "What would I even use them for, Tommy?!" Wilbur was careful not to be too loud and blow our cover. "Can you two stop yelling at eachother for 2 seconds that would be magnificent." I roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm just excited." Wilbur said. Tommy put a hand on Wil's shoulder "Wil, look at me, please don't do this. You don't have to blow it all up!"

"Tommy, I thought you said you were with Wilbur." I remind him. He sighs. "I don't want to betray him but I don't want to do this either."

"It's too late, Tommy." Wilbur said. Tommy kept reasoning with him "We don't have to be the villians.." Wilbur then lashed out "WE ARE THE VILLIANS, TOMMY! We can't change that! We didn't win the election and we're trying to fight for it back!"

"Look at how nice this place looks under Schlatt! Look at how lovely he made this place!"

Wilbur then stopped and lowered his voice. "It's time for you to stop trying to act like a hero and face the hard truth that we're the villians." He said.

I put a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "Y'know, sometimes the villian's aren't completely evil. People just tend to look at their actions without looking at their motive. The villians get judged too quickly. Some of them are just misunderstood." I told him.

"D'you think Schlatt has a motive for exiling us?" He asked. "In all honesty, I've been trying to think of all the possible reasons he exiled you. I can't think of any. Even Dream has a reason for starting the war of L'manberg. Schlatt doesn't seem to have a reason.." I explain. "So you think he just exiled us for the fun of it?" I sigh and nod.

Wilbur pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed "You're so annoying Tommy. More than ever actually. Can't you just be on my side for this one? Please?" He begged. Tommy sighed and hesitantly nodded. "Thanks, little brother."

"Look, the festival's starting."

I put a hand on Wil's shoulder an hand him an enderpearl. "Have this. To get to the button faster." I said. "Don't you need it?" He asks. I shrug "I have 15 more dude." He laughs and thanks me.

"Everyone gather at the Manberg podium." Quackity makes the call.

"D'you think that Tubbo remembers Schlatt?" I ask Wilbur. "What do you mean?" He asks. "Schlatt is Tubbo's biological father. He gave Tubbo up to Philza." I remind him. He scratched the back of his neck.

"We do not speak of that."

Wilbur and Tommy say at the same time. "What the fuck." Is the only thing I can say. "Wilby, Phil isn't here. You can talk about it." I tell him.

"I'm pretty sure even Schlatt doesn't remember." He replied nervously.

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