First (Official) Encounter

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Your second day in San Francisco. It was pretty cloudy outside so you figured it was a good day to spend in your apartment, despite still having to unpack the few boxes left. "I guess I better get started..." you thought. You got out of bed, stretching as you did. You scanned over the boxes sorting through them from pots and pans to books and clothes. It was a couple long hours of opening boxes, but when you finally cleaned out that final box you felt a rush of relief wash over you. "Finally finished!" you said. You lay down on the floor feeling a sense of accomplishment until you realized you haven't had anything to eat all morning! You decided to visit the same cafe you went to yesterday. Partially in hopes of running into that Wrench guy again. Because of the weather you decided to just throw on a jacket and sweatpants bringing along an umbrella just in case. You make your way to the cafe.

Once you arrive you notice a sign in the window that they are hiring and accepting applications. You didn't think anything of it at first and walked in. The employee you met yesterday quickly made their way to the counter greeting you. "Hey, welcome back! What can I get for you?" they asked "Um...Just Cappuccino and a muffin." you say. "Alrighty! Just have a seat and I'll bring it out in a minute." You take a seat at a booth setting your belongings down as you did. A couple minutes passed when you finally received your coffee. "Here you are. One Cappuccino and a muffin." the employee chirps. "Thank you! By the way I saw outside that you guys were hiring. Can I pick up an application?" you asked "Oh yeah! But considering we're already under-staffed as it is, I'll interview you now." they say. "Can you do that? You aren't the manager are you?" you ask, worried you would get them in some sort of trouble. "How about we keep this between us for now. Hell, I'm pretty much working here on my own." You were unsure about it at first but eventually accepted. You answered the basic questions like your name, your birthday, your strengths and weaknesses. Soon the interview was finished, and so was your breakfast. You gathered your belongings and your coffee and made your way to the exit, but the moment you walked out the door you ran into someone spilling your coffee all over them and all your cards flying out of your purse. "Shit i'm so sorry!! I wasn't watching where I was going!" you said frantically. "It's fine. It happens." you almost immediately recognized the voice. Wrench. You both knelt down picking up the cards and placing them back in your purse. "I'm really sorry about this. Please let me clean you up or at least pay for your coffee!" you say. "It's totally fine you don't have to go through all this trouble. Its not the first time a pretty girl spilled coffee on me." he said. You felt your face burn at his comment and chuckled before opening the door.

You both enter the cafe. You quickly grab some napkins from a nearby table and start dabbing his shirt. Some of the coffee was coming out but it would be enough to actually clean it. "Okay this isn't working...You can go ahead and order i'll think of something to get the stain out." He walked over to the counter, crossing his arms to cover the stain. A couple minutes go by and he comes back sitting next to you. He takes a breath before speaking. "You know you really don't have to pay for my drink, you cleaning my shirt is already enough." You looked up at him, granted his mask was covering his face. "Well how about we just wash it at my place? It's not too far from here." His mask changed symbols; the default X's were now exclamations. He rubbed the back of his head. "I know it's a little forward but these napkins aren't helping much. We'll just hop by my place, wash the shirt then you can be on your way." You were facepalming yourself inside your head. What am I thinking?! We just met! He's gonna think I'm so weird... "Ah what the hell. Why not." he said. This obviously caught you off guard. You sure as hell wasn't expecting him to say yes especially because you had just met. You stared at him blankly before snapping out of your shocked state. "Okay..well grab your drink then we can get out of here." He hastley walked to the counter and picked up his drink and paid. You stood up and followed him to the door holding it open for him. You both start walking towards your apartment but not much conversation happened during the walk and when it did it he gave pretty dry responses.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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