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Four months ago he wouldn't have been slamming metal against metal with the intention of slicing open skin and drawing blood.

Jungkook relaxed, focusing solely on not getting stabbed or slashed by the blade that was being violently swung at him. He'd learned all of the defense techniques rather quickly, learning that hard way that if he didn't he'd leave the field soaked in his own blood. Parrying had become a way of life for him; it was learning to lunge and leap at any openings that was the hard part.

Four month ago he would have been sitting in a classroom, paid off on scholarship funds, eating chocolate right in front of his history professor. Because, supposedly, once you get to university classes are more relaxed and less about how good of a score you were gonna get on your fucking entrance exam.

"Face it little necromancer, you weren't made for this." The dark haired man taunted easily blocking his attacks even while mocking him.

Four months ago he hadn't watched his best friend die in an dark alleyway, while smoking outside of a club, because he refused to give up a twenty grand watch on the account that it was a fucking family heirloom.

"Really? I'd watch your step old man." Jungkook retorted, sweeping low with his sword cutting him off at his feet, switching it to the flat side to avoid causing any serious harm. He fell onto his back unable to break his fall.

Basically, Four months ago, Jungkook hadn't brought his best friend back from the dead.

Jungkook beamed, standing over him, feeling accomplished that his mimicry had paid off in another win. "If this were a real fight you'd have stumps where your feet are supposed to be. Everyone and their mother would call you stumpy."

The thousand year old elf smiled proudly up at him as Jungkook offered a hand to help him up. "Please, I'd wear stilts made with boats under my trousers that would make me look taller. It would be an improvement."

Leaping up Seokjin landed gracefully on his feet without needing help from the younger male. Jungkook tisked and retracted his hand.


"Mock me if you will little necromancer, I'll still be able to turn anything thrown at me into an improvement, even long after you're dead."

Jungkook sheathed his short sword into the scabbard strapped to his back before taking a bow as if there were a crowd he was addressing and not just a narcissistic blade wielding elf.

There might have been a crowd of wisps along the edges of the forest watching in but Jungkook didn't want to think about them. Not after looking at one to close only to find out they were creatures even more deformed than a goblin. Which wasn't saying a lot.

"Quit gloating, it's very unbecoming of a prince." Seokjin remarked, very hypocritical of a man who always boasted about his winning. Whether it was sword fighting or a game of poker Seokjin was an obnoxious winner and an even worse sore loser.

Jungkook had no intentions of coming into his princely roles then again four months ago he had no intentions of bringing someone back from the dead. Stuffing his hand into his pocket he ran his finger over the etching on the back of the watch. "Honor your promise" He hadn't understood at the time how deep that phrase ran in Taehyung's family.

Two weeks after the stabbing they finally had his funeral. He looked completely different from the last time Jungkook saw him. He remembered the night like a relentless videotape that played back every time he closed his eyes. Taehyung sharinging with him how his father had finally given him the watch, How valuable it was and how important it meant to his family. Playing with it out in the open as if it were a toy.

NECROMANCEROpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz