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When We are at the warehouse and the Avengers find us, Alex (My twin will notice the locket on my neck and ask who I am) He thought I died.

Pietro, Me, and Wanda become really close and Pietro and Wanda protect me as I do them but Cyc always tells them he has my back.

Strucker is like a dad to me and I will find out about his death in the tower when Me, Pietro and Wanda join there side.

Natasha notices the symbol on my suit and when we are on the Quinn Jet going to the compound she asks me where I got the jacket.

Before they return the stones to their proper time, there's this voice in my ear telling me to grab the stone and say free them. When I try to grab it the Avengers will ask me what's wrong while trying to stop me. When I get the stone I will hold and say Free them. The Stone will release my people and bestfriend.

On my 16 birthday, Alex will give me the dresses of our mom and tell me fury was on the scene when he found these.

All the Avengers go grocery Shopping every Friday. (Everybody has to go since Steve thinks of it as a bonding exercise)

Shield Never shut down so Fury wants to talk about me and get information from Hydra 1 day after I move into the compound.

When Clint and Natasha find out I've been in the red room they try to get close to me to get me to tell them what happened.

I'm technically Natasha's and Yelena adoptive sister.

When Natasha let's Bucky and Steve go, she goes up to me and takes me away like if she was going to put me in jail but, we end up going on the run together. And destroy the red room.

Dreykov knows what happened to my village and tells Natasha

My Twin Alex joins Iron mans side and says it when we are all talking about if we were going to sign it or not and he ends up saying he's doing it for me.

I stay behind with Bruce and Alex, Natasha, and Clint Go to Vormir. They try to fight each other so they can Fall but my brother ends up trapping them and Jumps off.

After the events of infinity War, I will ask Tony to freeze me in ice. They will all try to convince me no. Tony will give me until the end of the week to decide if I want to go through with it. If I still want to do it, Tony will stick a needle in me causing me to sleep. He will put me in a chamber casket to stop my growth and I will stay there sleeping for 5 years until it's time to bring everyone back. They will wake me up with another injection when they begin to talk about bringing everyone back. (Before they talk to Tony)

My Dog Gets snapped away.

Thanos was the one to destroy my village and in Infinity war when he gets the soul stone and he comes to wakanda. Before he snaps he recognizes me and creates a barrier with just me and him and he uses the soul stone and my mother comes out. He wants my anger of seeing my my mother. All the Avengers will try to come save me when Thanos makes his army stop fighting. He will taunt me with my mother while my brother is trying to get through. He will then snap. Thanos will then take my mom and put her back into the stone

Over time Tony thinks of me as his daughter so he when he comes back to earth after losing to thanos he hugs me in relieving

When my people return Steve decides to wait a day before returning them. During that day I realize everything I lost and how the world just turned it's back on me so "Queen of mean" from desandants 3 music starts playing in the Background and I start singing the song. When I get outside when all the avengers are out there with the stones I will go outside, pull the stones to me causing all the stone to merge in my locket creating one ultimate Stone.

I can Bring my brother back but only strange has the spell to do it and you need all the infinity stones

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