Chapter 4 - A Test & New Familiar

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The next day Y/n was standing in an open field, as he looked around there was nothing up grass and wild animals. But as he looked around a voice spoke to him.

??? : "I'm glad you survived Y/n"

Y/n's eyes widen.

Y/n : "that it can't be she died with the others"

As Y/n turned around he saw a ghostly figure standing there, while he couldn't make out who it was he instantly recognized the dress it had on.

??? : "I want you to keep living for your own sake Y/n"

As the ghostly figure began disappearing Y/n ran to it and tried hugging it.

Y/n : "I let you go once I won't let you go again....Amelia"

Amelia : "Y...Y/n wake up....wake up Y/n"

3rd Person P.O.V

Y/n's eyes shot open he looked down to see that he was now holding onto an embarrased Astolfo.

Astolfo : "p...please let me go"

As he let go Astolfo got up and took a deep breath.

Astolfo : "your...really strong"

With out saying a word Y/n got up and pushed Astolfo to the wall.

Y/n : "one word of what happened to anyone and you won't see the light of day again"

Astolfo : "r..right"

Just as things couldn't get any worse Hime had walked in looking for Astolfo but saw Y/n punning him against the wall in his boxers.

Hime : "I...I didn't mean to interrupt"

As he left Y/n just got more annoyed.

Y/n : "get out and let me changed"

As Astolfo quickly left Y/n punched the solid metal wall leaving a large dent in it.

Y/n(mind) : "just as I thought things couldn't get worse....what would you do now Amelia"


After that eventful morning Y/n was now standing on a platform along with Sullivan.

Y/n : "so this test....what do I do"

Sullivan : "oh its quite simple, all you have to do is to reach the goal and the other end of this valley, myself along with others will be waiting there for your arrival"

Y/n : "then let's get started"

Sullivan : "oh before you go I should mention that this is being showed all over the Netherworld, word of a human is in the Netherworld has spread like wild fire so put on a good show"

Y/n rolled his eyes before jumping off the platform, as he was falling towards the ground he took out his tek claws and stuck them into a large room formation slowing him down before landing on the ground.

Y/n(mind) : "let's get this over with"

Everyone looked on as Y/n would either out run or straight up destroy any monster that got in his path, but as he kept making his way to the goal he heard a growl, turning around he saw what he had once read about in the books he had gotten from Sullivan.

Y/n : "so...your Cerberus"

As the monster known as Cerberus landed infront of Y/n its head all looked down at him

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As the monster known as Cerberus landed infront of Y/n its head all looked down at him.

Cerberus : "this is interesting, it's been sometime since we last saw a human here"

Y/n : "for what I've read about you, you've been stuck here since the creation of hell"

Cerberus : "that would be correct human, I've been alive for far longer than anyone of these demons"

Y/n : "seeing as I just want to get this over with I suggest a proposal"

Cerberus chuckled.

Cerberus : "normally I would just devour any who come in my territory....but you seem different from most others, and looking at the Destruction you left behind have my interest"

Y/n : "become my familiar"

Cerberus : "oh why should I even consider it"

Y/n : "because I know your board of this place, if you agree then you can fight day in and day out. You can see new things instead of rocks twenty four seven"

Cerberus : "an intresting offer....but first face me in combat, prove to me that you are worthy of being my master"

As Y/n and Cerberus ran at each other Y/n slid underneath him and grabbed his tail, using his Strength he had gain due to his time on ark he swung Cerberus around before slamming him into the wall....but as Y/n was watching Cerberus get back up a loud roar interrupted them and Y/n turned to see a strange looking bird fighting with a corrupted Giga.

Y/n : "oh great"

Y/n ran towards the two using his speed he managed to close the distance.

Y/n(mind) : "I'm not equipped to deal with him right now....I have to get the giga away somehow"

Y/n thought about it before getting an idea taking his tek bow out Y/n loading in a steel arrow before firing it at the Gigs eye, the Giga woth an metal arrow in its eye roared in pain before running away as it did Y/n was the bird was injured. Making his way to it he noticed strange markings on its head while he would normally kill injured animals to save them suffering he had read something interesting....human blood can heal all injuries in the Netherworld. As he got to the bird it didn't seem to try and fight back or even run away.

As Y/n had gotten to its wound he took out a knife and slit his hand letting his blood drip on the wound, to his surprise the wound was healed instantly and the bird flow away.

Y/n : "yeah your welcome"

Turning around Y/n was confused as Cerberus was....bowing to him.

Y/n : "why are you"

Cerberus : "I believe that you are worthy of being my master, you have both superior speed and strength but also your eyes. In all my years I have only ever seen one other with the eyes of a true warrior"

Y/n sighed.

Y/n(mind) : "this day needs to end"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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