I Am A Bottle Of Cleaner

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I wake up surrounded by others who look like me. I am filled from empty to full with a blue liquid. I go down the assembly line now, no one stands out unless you are defective. The best thing for me to do is be like everyone else. I passed the test, I was picked up by a giant and placed in a box where I am crowded with people that look exactly the same as me. I know they look like me because if they didn't then I wouldn't even be here right?
I hear growling sounds, I'm shaken up and bumping into everyone around me. Seems like we're going somewhere or someone is just standing outside shaking the box we're in and growling at us. Seems unlikely. Why was I born into this life, what's my purpose? Whatever it is, I hope I am good at it.
Eventually the growling stops and I can feel my box being picked up. It's pitch black in here, who knows if we all look the same anymore, it was quite a bumpy ride. The box is sliced open and now I'm scared. I hope I look the same, I don't want to be killed because of the ride. The giant puts away the knife and picks me up. They place me on a shelf, where am I? My box sits on a pile of other boxes and I'm surrounded by a variety of different containers. Why are they here? Anybody who didn't look like me was killed where I was born, but now everyone can look different? How come? I guess I shouldn't fear death here then. Maybe they're soft here. My brothers and sisters are placed on the shelf in front of me and it gets darker. I wait, and wait, and wait and wait. Is this what I was meant for? Just to sit on this shelf? Stuck? I guess it is. I'm going to take a nap, I'm tired of waiting.
I am awoken by a giant grabbing me off the shelf. They look at me and then the numbers on the shelf. They make a distasteful face towards me. Was I not supposed to sleep? Was I not ready? I am probably being punished. The giant lets out a long sigh and places me in a metal jail with no roof. I guess she has taken other prisoners as well, I'm surrounded by others except they aren't all containers like me. Some are cloth, organic, even cardboard. When will this giant let us go? She goes through different areas, potential prisoners on either side, yet most she does not take. Why me then? She moves unusually slow through the aisles of what I understand to be others in the same boat as me. I guess we're family.
After what seems like an eternity we make our way towards an area with a bunch of other giants taking prisoners. Eventually the giant takes me by hand and places me on an unfamiliar surface. It's clear underneath and dark, is that a bottomless pit. I'm not sure what is worse; dealing with this giant, falling into this abyss under me, or this red light glaring me in the face. Suddenly I hear a high pitched noise and the giant places me in a bag with a few others. The giant has left out of big doors with me and liquid is coming from the sky. Does the sky also need a container like me to hold all of it's liquid. Well for the record sky, I would be happy to help someday.
The giant approaches an even bigger metal giant. The fleshy giant places me in the metal giant. Assume that I am being consumed. But then the fleshy giant also was eaten. No, not eaten. Oh my, she's the one pulling the strings of the metal giant. It's like a puppet to this fleshy giant. I thought the metal giant would be more powerful, but I guess they serve these fleshy giants. I realized I am being moved again, but this trip is shorter than the last ride and when the giant was taking prisoners.
A few minutes later, we stop and my bag is pulled out with a ton of others. Everyone else is placed in different compartments in another facility. I was for some reason saved for last with the others in my bag. Finally she picks me up. Do your worst giant! She places me in a basket with some others. Well this is a lot better than I expected honestly. After a while the basket is picked up and brought to a much smaller room. The giant turns out the lights and lays down on a soft looking rectangle. It also seems loyal to the flesh giant. She has quite an army at her disposal. I will sit here and wait to make my move.
Light flows through the windows after a while and it warms me up. It's actually getting a little hot up here. I hope the- oh she's awake. She looks sad, why is she sad? She has these beasts at her side, what could be better. She picks up the basket that I am in and we go back to the metal giant she has. Maybe it's like a pet? I'm not sure. We arrive at another giant castle. We walk inside and sure enough another giant is there. My giant starts putting on gloves. Maybe they enhance her power. What are they scheming? The new giant leaves and my giant pulls me out. She grabs my neck and starts to squeeze. I feel this rush from inside me out onto the surrounding area. Oh my gosh is this my blood? AM I DYING?! I CAN'T DIE YET!!! THERE'S STILL SO MUCH THAT I WANT TO DO AND SEE!! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!
After she did that a few times though it actually wasn't death. I actually kind of feel better. Lighter, yet slightly more empty inside. Was this my purpose? Am I just supposed to provide what's inside of me and be left empty? What kind of existence is that? I wish I could catch a break, I mean I was born just a few days ago. Is my life going to be done this fast?
My giant carries me to another place in this castle. I gotta admit... my spirits are a bit down. Honestly, what's the point of even thinking of my situation? Or being afraid? It's not like I can do anything about it anyway. I see another giant just like my giant and she's doing what my giant was doing. She starts to speak and all I can do is listen. "Mary, why do you use the cheap cleaner? Spend a little more money and you could get the job done twice as fast." My giant replies "Riley, I don't have that kind of money to spend and besides, why waste money to take the easy way out? I do just as good a job with a little more effort." This seems to anger the giant known as "Riley" she says "It's because you do things like this that you will never get out of your situation. Should I tell the owners that you're cleaning their house with cheap and useless cleaner?" Wow... that one stung. Not only am I being left empty, but I guess I'm considered useless. "I let my work speak for itself Riley. In fact, I'm going to keep this cleaner and just refill it over and over with the same stuff. It saves me money aa-aaa-nd it builds character." said Mary. She seems to shake while she speaks in defense of herself. "Well fine, I guess we will see where we both end up huh?" said Riley "I guess so, good luck." said Mary. They both finish cleaning the castle and leave without saying a word. I say cleaning because it seems that whenever I am sprayed and my giant works hard on scrubbing that area, it becomes clean. Still I'm nothing like that other cleaner, it worked almost instantly. Barely any scrubbing was needed. I guess flesh giants are stubborn, otherwise Mary would've bought the good cleaner.
She kept her promise to Riley and went to the store to get giant bottles of cleaner to refill me. But even when I am refilled I still feel empty. Knowing that I am inferior and useless, and I can't do anything about it. Mary picks me up and looks at me. Then she looks down at the table I was sitting on. The table is covered in papers from outside. The papers seem to make Mary unhappy. Then she looks at me again and for the first time she speaks to me directly. "We're going to make these houses spotless and pay these bills off. We're getting out of this situation and I'm using you the whole way there." said Mary. This really catches me off guard, no one has ever talked to me before ever since I was born. And the first time someone speaks to me they need me and give me a purpose. Just a second ago I couldn't have felt more useless, but now things are different. Maybe this feeling is momentary, but I feel now that even when what's inside me is used up, I won't feel as empty anymore. I thought my purpose was to be used up and thrown away. Instead, someone gave me purpose. Maybe I was one of the lucky ones. Or maybe I'm one of the only bottles of cleaner to desire more purpose. I bet some are just happy being used up and that's it. But I want more. And I'm going to do everything I can to help Mary. We're in this together. A stupid argument gave me more purpose than I could ever have. Let's do this.
Mary and I went on a rampage. Taking every house cleaning job she could find online and travelling all over in her car. We made those houses spotless. While I don't usually carry the strongest cleaner, just a little bit of scrubbing from Mary and the house is clean. Not only that, but as we go she just keeps getting better and better at what she's doing. More efficiency and more drive. Me? Well I can't exactly do much moving, but I have been worn down enough to where more cleaner comes out when I'm sprayed so things are getting clean faster with less sprays. I can't believe how fast everything is moving by. Everytime I want to stop and enjoy it, we just have more to do. Which honestly I really like. This new life, new purpose, is going by so fast. Yet, I don't seem to mind. I guess this makes me realize that it isn't really the amount of time that I'm here. It's what I can do and accomplish that makes it worth sticking around past a standard bottle of cleaners' lifetime.
Sometime after this, I'm pretty darn worn out and so is Mary. But, she paid off all of her bills, bought a new house, and got a better job. She works as a secretary now and is getting paid way more than when we were running around Beverly Hills cleaning everyone's houses. Still, what a time it was. At one point near the end we ran into Riley again. She isn't doing great, she said that she struggles when she has to scrub and that the jobs take so long that she misses out on other jobs. Mary showed me off to her and told her how she's now longer struggling with money, because she didn't take the easy way out. She worked on her craft with admittedly worse cleaner, but like Mary said "It builds character". Hard work pays off.
Mary is really cool and now keeps me around on a shelf. I never collect dust because she is the best house cleaner around. She looks at me for extended amounts of time here and there and even uses me to clean sometimes. Just as a reminder of what she had to do to get where she is. And I want to be here forever just to remind her... to never stop.

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