Chapter One

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Blows thundered down on the cowering boy on the floor. Abuse and spit was hurled at him as he cried into the arms covering his face from his attackers. The elements surrounding were in mass contrast to the scene taking place; the sky was a tranquil purple, the suns were hiding behind their red moons and the light creatures were flying peacefully, spreading their moon dust to the youngs below. There was practically no noise out, just the quite hum of the angels and their harps, the sound of the elves singing, the struggling silence of a teen and the brutal sound of pain and blood being spat at the yellow ground below. 

"That's what you get for being such a fag, you tranny!"
"You should have killed yourself"
"You're a girl and that's all you'll ever be"

The boy wasn't sure whether the kicks or the slurs hurt him more. It was times like these when he truly wished that he'd succeeded in his past suicide attempts. He was littered in scars up his arms, on his stomach and underneath his torn binder. It was his fault, he's the one that made it hard on himself, he's the one that made the decision to come out and he's the one that decided it'd be safe to just take a walk and meet a friend.

His friend would never see him again. He was sure of that.

The boy raised his hand in somewhat of a defensive position and a spark emitted and soon dissipated into the dark purple of the night. The creatures and humans surrounding him laughed. A cruel, painful kind of laugh that made the teens amber eyes back into their natural crystal blue and his hands fell once again to his sides. He was defenseless. Again. 


The abuse stopped momentarily whilst the seven abusers seemed to rethink their torture. The boy tried so desperately to think of anything that gave him hope and he pushed himself onto his elbows and picked his head up from the sticky tarmac. Everything was so quiet, too quiet. He wasn't sure whether or not he could hear anything at all! The bodies seemed fuzzy and distant and he could feel thumping on the ground. 

Everything was dark. He'd managed to roll onto his back and he was stuck staring painfully into the streetlight above. His hand was in some sort of tacky substance at his side and tears were still free-flowing and he couldn't stop his thoughts from escaping with the blood. 

He was unwanted. A mistake. That's why no-one wanted him. Why Frankie didn't want him!

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