Chapter Two

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Teddy (He/Him)

Theodor Jasper Karter, more commonly known as Teddy, 16 years old, college student and full time freak.

It wasn't that he was a classic nerd or any of the other bullshit reasons shown in siptek shows. Its just that he doesn't conform the the norm that those around him seem to follow. Shows and books will make you think that you have to be super nerdy, fat, ugly or something like that to be unpopular and alone. They'll make it seem that you have to be unrealistically hot, athletic and model skinny or ripped to be popular. It's all fake! I'm lonely because I walked in one day a day people took one look and decided that I wasn't worth befriending.

He does have a few friends though, misfits like himself, he'd be his sidekick or love interest (surprise, surprise, the loner is queer) in a show but in real life he's just the best friend. Can we just talk about media and its fakeness for a second? One of his main bullies is the 'fat' girl, she's horrible and but one of the most popular kids.

Mostly because people don't really care about your weight when you're just trying to make it through the education system. And I used to be super skinny, like in the movies, but he wasn't popular back then and Teddy's not any uglier or less popular with the stretch marks littering his stomach. People in real life don't care!

Anyway, back to the story: the best friends name is Francis James Montgomery and he is HOT! He is super hot like Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic hot. Like, if I were Rose, he'd throw himself in the black depths of the ocean before letting Francis drown like Rose did. Anyway, he's not popular either,considering he's a Prince! Especially since he refuses to ever not sit with me just because I'm not popular.

He's Teddy's Frankie and yeah he used to have a crush on him, it's hard not too with his gorgeous tanned skin, dreamy dark green eyes, platinum hair, beach bod and dreamy elvish accent. He's his best friend though and even though he's pan, Teddy would never risk their friendship just because his passable looks and selfish ego thought that they stood a chance.

He's never stood out much amongst the hybrids, superpowered people, elves, dwarves, mystical creatures people etc when he was just a lowly druid, sorcerer thing (truth be told, even Teddy wasn't white sure of his capabilities)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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