Chapter 3

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"Who's playing the music so loud?" Ten moans from the sofa he landed on when they arrived back to the dorm too lazy to go to bed.

"Your body just remembers the beat of the music from a few hours ago" Johnny moans from the floor

"I need food, someone get me some food please I'll pay" Taeyong leaves his room falling onto the single chair looking at his friends scattered around the place hungover.

"I'm gonna head to the cafe, who's coming with me?" he tosses his hair while squinting as the sun shines in the window.

"I will if I can find my legs" Ten moans sitting up. 

"Fall on me and you die" Johnny moans from the floor as Taeil walks into the sitting room looking so fresh and wide awake.

" How the hell are you so alive?" Taeyong looks at his roommate wanting to hurt him and make him feel as bad as he does.

" I told you the little mixture I had in my drink last night before we went out stops you having hangovers" he grab his shoes putting them on to the annoyance of the others

"Someone smack him or help me up to smack him" Mark mumbles from under the table.

"Do I want to know why you're under the table?" Taeyong bends to see Mark all snuggled under the table half asleep

"I don't even know why I'm under the table just tell me I'm alive" 

"You're alive buddy" Taeyong smiles while rolling his eyes at his friend 

"Ok food, let's go" 

"We haven't even changed yet" Johnny moans 

"Well some of us haven't, not like Mr rise and shine there with his magic drink" Mark moans as he crawls from under the table. 

"Ok we can make it to the cafe on the corner right?" Taeyong stands up holding onto tin air as if it will help him 

"OK come on or I will die. I need food for soakage" Taeyong keeps moaning knowing he needs food right this second and can't wait much longer. 

"OK let's go come on, I have money so I'll buy" taeil smiles looking so fresh as he holds open the door as he guides the zombies out the door to the cafe. 

"Oh look Mr sex on legs car is here from lastnight. Oh how I'd love a car like this'' Taeil rushes over to admire the car again like he did last night 

"Why don't you ask the car for its number you're practically humping it" Johnny teases as they all burst out laughing making taeil storm off into the cafe leaving them to struggle in the door. 

"ok we made it" they all slump into the nearest booth as they wait for the waitress 

"Aww goodmorning party goers you all look terrible" She smiles knowing they are struggling really bad this morning compared to most mornings. 

"I just need good soakage please and thank you" Taeyong can feel eyes on him as he zones out on the others giving their orders as he turns to see the guy from last night sitting in a booth of his own down the back. 

He can't seem to look away as the guy looks out the window drinking from his cup. Should he go say hi or will he make an even bigger fool of himself like he did last night. He doesn't look so good this morning still in last night's clothes so he decides to not bother him. 

"Ok I will be right back with your order" the waitress smiles as Taeyong looks at her with disappointment as he didn't get to order. 

"I didn't get my order in" he moans as Mark holds his hand. It's ok man I ordered your usual" he thanks Mark and turns to look back at the stranger who is now looking at him. 

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