In The Mick of Time Epilogue

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At Royal Woods High School, many of the students had already left the dance, after having the time of their lives, but there were a few stragglers. One of them being, the third oldest Loud sister, Luna Loud, alongside her girlfriend Sam, and her friends Sully and Mazzy. They were just saying their farewells to Mick Swagger and his band. As Mick was getting on the tour bus, Luna told him, "Thanks again for performing at our school dance, Mick. It was really sick." She flashed up the goats using her fingers.

Mick replied, "No problem, Luv. It's always great to share the love of Rockin' N Roll with the next generation."

Luna's friends and girlfriend/bandmates all shouted with her, "Yeah, Rockin' Roll forever."

All of them held up goat's fingers, as they waved bye to Mick Swagger's tour bus.

The four teens headed back into the school gym, where Leni and her friends were helping clean up from the dance, as they were on the dancer organization committee.

Sully was first to say, "That was so awesome that Mick actually played at our school."

Mazzy added, "Way to go, Luna."

Sam then joined in, while locking arms with Luna, "Yeah. Like I said, best dance ever."

Luna blushed, "Thanks, dudes." Then her face turned into regret, "But to be fair, I thought at first he wouldn't make it, and instead of coming clean I just tried this crazy plan to impersonate him. I shouldn't have lied to you dudes like that," she turned to Sam, "especially you, Sam. I'm so sorry. If Mick hadn't shown up then I would have been performing most of the night and not be able to spend time with the best girlfriend ever."

Sam blushed at the compliment and then smiled, "Oh, Luna. I forgive you. I know you only did this because you wanted to make the dance great for everyone and that's one of the things I love about you." She kissed Luna on the cheek, causing Luna to blush harder, as she continued, "Besides, after spending so much time with you and all the times I've been to your house, I know how crazy you Louds can be. Luckily for you, I love crazy." She then grabbed Luna and dipped her, just as Luna had done to her earlier during the dance.

Luna's smile grew, "Ah, Luv. You're using my move."

Sam smiled back, "It's a really good move and it set my heart a flutter, so I wanted to do the same to you." The two then shared a passionate kiss on the lips.

They then heard a male voice nearby saying, "I agree."

The two temporarily stopped their kiss and turned their heads slightly to the right to see the voice coming from Benny, the boyfriend of Luan, who was also dipping a smiling Luan. Luan then said, "Well, I guess you guys don't need to go to the refreshment table to get your dip. Ha ha ha. Get it?"

Benny gave a small laugh, "Ha. Good one, Luan." He and Luan then shared their own passionate kiss on the lips.

After which, Benny pulled Luan back up, as Sam did the same for Luna, with Luna saying, "Oh hey, Luan. I didn't see you for most of the dance."

Luan smiled, "Well, I was here. This is my school too. And while I enjoy the spotlight, I liked to just hang in the back and spend time with my beau." She then kissed Benny on the cheek, causing the boy to blush.

Benny replied, "Oh thanks, Luan. I enjoyed it too." He and Luan started to waltz together a bit.

Luan began to say, "Maybe we should convince Mrs. Bernardo to let the next play we do be Grease or some other music, so I can spend more time in your arms."

"That would be okay with me."

Seeing the happy couple, Luna turned to Sam and asked, "I know you're not the best dancer Sam, but we got some time before Leni finishes and drives us home," she then dipped the smiling Sam, "so what do you say about a very slow dance?"

Sam said with joy, "I would love nothing more than to spend time in your arms."

Luna's smile grew, as she pulled Sam back up and wrapped her arms around her, while slowly swaying her back and forth.

Sully and Mazzy just watched with joy on their faces, as the two Loud Sisters danced with their girlfriend and boyfriend. Eventually, Sully turned to Mazzy with a sly grin, "You want to join the fun, Maz?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "Why not, casanova." Mazzy then laughed, "I'll even be nice and let you lead."

As they linked arms and made their way to the dance floor, Sully gave a smug smile and a small laugh, "Oh funny, Mazzy. Maybe you should hang out with Luan."

The two then joined the dancing fun.

Overby a refreshment table, Leni was cleaning up and looked over at those dancing. She smiled when her eyes turned to her two little sisters, big smiling plaster on their faces as they swayed in the arms of their girlfriend and boyfriend. Leni thought with joy, "That is totes sweet. Best dance ever. When I drive us all home, I'll go slow, so they can all spend even more time together." She then happily returned to cleaning up the party. 

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