Cinnamon Scented Febreze

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"Ray..? Hey, are you alright?"

Ray couldn't remember how he got here. It was all a blur. He remembered a big fight with his mother, breaking shit, running, and how fucking tired he was. Mentally and physically. He just wanted a fucking nap. He was cold too and wet. Was it raining? When did it start raining? The rain had soaked ray's sweater. 

"Ray? Hey, look at me. Ray please."

Huh? Who the hell is that? When did they get here? Ray turned his head towards the voice and blinked rapidly until the blurry figure shaped into a warm, familiar face. Norman. He looked so worried. What happened? Why did he look so upset?

"Holy crap, Ray. You scared me," Norman pulled Ray into a loose hug, and Ray froze before awkwardly wrapping his arms around Norman. Ray was still hesitant to touch him even though they clearly had something romantic going on. They had kissed a few times, but the hugging and closeness was still unfamiliar and stiff.

"What happened?" Ray croaked out as Norman pulled away from him.

"I think I should be asking you that. I was out for a walk when I saw you passed out on some bench," Norman let some nervous, breathy laughter escape him as he stared at Ray with that same concerned expression.

"Oh," Ray muttered as he looked down at his hands.

"Yeah, oh."

Ray didn't know whether he wanted to run away again or just pitifully fall into Norman's arms and never leave. He was too exhausted and way too cold to think. Oh right, he was cold. Very cold. It was fall and way too rainy. Norman noticed violent shivering had started.

"Hey, it's really cold. Take my jacket,"

Ray was about to protest, but Norman was already draping his coat around Ray's shoulders before he could start. A rosy coloring flashed across Ray's cheeks as Norman's body wash and cologne filled his nose. The only way to explain it was a sense of relief when the smell of vanilla and coconut danced around him. Ray wished it could just stay like this for a minute. Well, besides the lingering coldness. 

"Do you have a ride home?" Norman's soft and oddly angelic voice snapped Ray out of his short-lived giddy trance. The question wasn't odd, as both the boys were only fifteen and neither owned a car nor a license. But in all honesty, did it look like he had a ride? Would he still be sitting here in the rain if he did?

"Oh- erm, I don't really feel like going back home right now," Ray winced at how hoarse his own voice sounded. He probably didn't look any better either.

"Ah, that's alright I guess."

The awkward silence was back, and the tension in the air was suffocating. Ray wondered if Norman could feel it too. Ray glanced over to take a peek at Norman. His gut was immediately filled with metaphorical butterflies that were apparently having some dance party. Ray always knew Norman was beautiful but holy shit. Ray took in the scene as he wished he brought his camera. Norman's hair was dripping and a soft smile laid on his face as his eyes were glued to his feet. Ray also noticed the unmistakable blush dusted across his cheeks. 

Before Ray could realize how bad of an idea it was, he was already leaning in. He placed a hand on a cold cheek and directed Normans face to align with his. Norman gave him a loving stare before shutting his eyes and beginning to lean in as well. They shared a soft, passionate kiss before Ray pulled away and awkwardly cleared his throat. Probably not the best action seeming as it just made it more awkward.

"Let's go home. You're freezing, and I don't want you catching a cold," Norman stood as he kept his eyes now pinned onto Ray. Ray huffed, and his breath turned into a slight fog that disappeared into the cold air after only a second. 

Cinnamon Scented Febreze - NorRayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora