Coffee Date ☕ (🤍) (Chanel x Grace)

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Graces Pov: I slipped my jacket on and walked out of my dorm to spot Chanel. She rolled her eyes at me, I rolled my eyes back and started walking down the stairs. When I got down the stairs, I rushed over to Chanel, but before she could walk away I grabbed her arm. "Why do you hate me so much?" I asked out of curiosity. "Shutup talking pumpkin!" Chanel said snatching her arm away. I sighed and shook my head. "Well could we atleast try to get a long? If were all gonna die here we might aswell make the best of it!" I explained to Chanel. She turned to face me. "Fine. Meet me at the grind, just know, you are knowhere near my level." Chanel said. Then she started walking away with her minions following behind her with there arms crossed. "You know we could just walk there!" I called out. But she didnt respond. I sighed and opened the front door and started walking to the coffee shop nearby. Ding! I took my phone out of my pocket and turned it on. Then I realized my dad had called me 49 times. I sighed and started texting him.

Grace: Dad stop calling!

Wes: where are you rn???????

Grace: Im just getting coffee

Wes: with who?

Grace: That chanel girl

Wes: okay, are you walking with her right now?????

Grace: No dad, shes walking with her friends.

Wes: okay

I stopped texting my dad and held my phone in my right hand as I kept walking. I got to the coffee shop, opened the door and headed inside. To my surprise Chanel was waiting there for me at a table on her phone drinking a pumpkin spice latte. I walked up to her. "Hey" I said sitting across from her at her table. Chanel scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Okay then-... Im gonna go get some coffee" I said getting out of the seat and walking up to the casheir. "Welcome to the grind, what could I get for ya?" Pete asked. "Um could I get a black coffee?" I asked. "Sure, Ill whip that right up for ya" pete said. "Thank you" I smiled as I waited for my coffee to be finished. "Here you go." Pete smiled giving me my coffee. "Thanks" I said taking my coffee and walking back to Chanel. I sat at her table. "Hi again-" I said. "What do you want from me?" Chanel said glaring at me. "I just want to have a better bond with all of my sisters I mean, thats what sister hoods about." I said. "Fine. I'll let you be a Chanel." Chanel said. "What? N-no thats not what I mean." I said. "Then what do you mean?" Chanel asked. "Look, I dont want to be a chanel, I just wanna follow in my mothers footsteps and have fun at this sorority and make friends." I explained. Chanel rolled her eyes. "Fine. Compliment me." Chanel said. "Um- you look nice today!" I said with an akward smile. "Oh so I looked bad yesterday?" Chanel said. "N-no, I mean you look nice!" I said. "Ugh, you suck at compliments." Chanel scoffed. "Anyways, its your turn." I said getting annoyed. "Okay...your not- that annoying." Chanel said looking to the side. "Thanks-" I said akwardly. " you hate me less?" I asked akwardly. "Eh...I'd like you a lot more if you had good style." Chanel insulted. "Fine, if I wear a pink dress and a heels will you not hate me?" I asked obviously annoyed. "Forget you want to know why I really hate you?" Chanel asked. "Yes, yes I do-" I said desperate for an answer. Chanel sighed. "I'm jealous of you." Chanel said looking down. "What why?" I asked shocked. "Because, your always so confident without being a bitch..." Chanel said. "Well- yea- you dont have to be a bitch to be confident..." I said. "Well now that you know why I hated you, I dont hate you that much anymore." Chanel said looking directly at me. "Well thats good-" I said. "So? What do you want to do now that we're "friends"?" Chanel asked taking a sip of her coffee. "Uh- maybe we can have a sleepover in one of us's dorms-" I said. "Fine, but we're having the sleepover in MY dorm." Chanel said with an attitude. "Okay-" I said. "See you there-" I said walking to the exit door of the coffee shop. She didnt answer. I sighed and opened the door and got out. I started walking back to the kappa house. It was late noon. I kept walking until I got there. I walked into the kappa house. I rushed up the stairs and got into my dorm and closed the door behind me. I grabbed a duffel bag from my closet and unzipped it, I started packing my bag for the sleepover with chanel and her minions. I zipped my bag back up and got up and opened my dorm door. I walked to chanels dorm and knocked on the door. She immedietly opened the door. "Welcome slut, get into your pajamas." Chanel said letting me into her dorm. Chanel #3 and chanel #5 were watching a movie on the floor. "Change. We wont look." Chanel said. "Oh um okay-" I said akwardly. The chanels weren't looking at me. I slipped off my shirt revealing my lace bra. I then took off my pants. Then I grabbed my pajamas from my bag and slipped them on. "Are you done yet?" Chanel asked still facing the wall. "Yea" I said zipping my bag back up. "Good. Now what should we do?" Chanel asked. "Maybe we should play spin the bottle." Chanel #3 suggested. "But there arent any guys here..." Chanel #5 said. "Who cares? Lets play it." Chanel said. I stayed silent. Chanel #3 placed a bottle in the center of the floor and we all sat around it. Then Chanel spun the bottle. Surprisingly it landed on us. Chanel looked at me I looked back akwardly. Chanel #3 smirked and chanel #5 looked shocked. Me and chanel got up and walked up to eachother. "Whatever...its just a kiss..." chanel said. "Yea- it doesnt make us gay-" I said. "Whatever lets just get this over with." Chanel said. She pulled me in and kissed me, I kissed back. Then we both pulled away. "Never doing that again..." chanel said. "Agreed-" I said.

The end!!!

Authors note: This could be smuttier, but I wanted to make it fluff. Also, I'm going back to school in 4 days sooo Ill try to make as much books as I can for these next 4 days.

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