Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

“Wow it is a very nice day today as we are walking down the street,”Perd Hapely said to his friend Ezra Koenig as they were walking down the street. Ezra just nodded, as he was used to Perd’s seemingly obvious remarks about literally everything. Pawnee, Indiana was starting to buzz with excitement with the Harvest Festival coming up and all, and Perd was feeding off of that positive energy.

            While they were turning a corner, Ezra’s enormous Ralph Lauren scarf hit someone in the face. “Julian???” Ezra inquired as an ethereal human being flipped his hair out of his face. They were both surprised to see each other in the small town of Pawnee, Indiana after not having seen each other in almost a year.

            “Woah, Ezra man, how have you been? And more importantly who is this guy you’re walking with?” Julian Casablancas said as he gracefully stepped aside to let an elderly woman pass by.

            Ezra was quick to answer, “Oh, this is my friend-“

            “Who goes by the name of Perd Hapley, because, it was the name I was given, at birth.” Perd interjected, making his presence known in a bold and confident way.

            Julian found this kind of sexy and attempting to hide his blush with his hair, looked down and told Perd that it was nice meeting him. Before it could get awkward, Ezra knowingly suggested that they go into a bar to catch up and talk about the watch he just purchased.

            While in the bar, they saw Craig Middlebrooks arguing with the bartender. Craig leaned over the bar and lowered his voice to say, “This wine is as watered down as Leonardo DiCaprio in tHE TITANIC. And I swear to GOD if you do not give me a full refund on this awful wine you can call me Joe Jonas because this place will be BURNING UP.”

            Julian was astonished to witness someone speaking at a volume this high and was only comforted after Perd voiced that this was how Craig normally was, all the time. Ezra just nodded.

lmaooo i hope no one reads this but Anna bc this is so shitty & short lmao but w/e

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2015 ⏰

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