Duff wedding

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The duff wedding

I do not own the duff !
(this is my first one be nice)

Wes stands at the alter next to his groomsmen nervously awaiting his duff to walk down the isle. Bianca pausing back and forth worried about what would happen tonight confronts her best friends/brides maids. The wedding march begins and Bianca walks down the lane. She smiles and the moment the two look at each other the nervous felling and butterflies go away. The make there vows and the go off to their honeymoon. Wes is now a pro football player and Bianca is a journalist.


We'd unlocks the door to their honeymoon sweet in Hawaii. Wes the grabs Bianca up bridal style and carries her into the room droping her on the bed. Wes the plants a reply pasionet kiss on Bianca. Wait here Bianca tells while she changes into her linger. She takes a condom with her. Then wes's draw drops when he sees his new wife. He says I love you Bianca rush. She replies I love you duff lover. Wes then takes off his clothes and Bianca's and gives her a hickey. She then puts his crotch in her mouth. Wes then sticks two fingers inside off Bianca and maker her squirm and moan in pleasure. They had had sex before but not like this. They never went all the way. Wes puts the condom on and sticks it inside of her and they kiss passionately. Bianca role on top and wraps her legs around him. He goes farther and faster then ever before. Then Wes reached wifi makes Bianca scream in pleasure. Then there is a ripping noise that no one hears. They continue on and have the best sex ever. He cums inside of her. On the third week off the honeymoon Bianca wakes up one morning and rushes to the bathroom. She pukes. Wes fallows holding her hair. She replies thanks. I fell fine now she say. That today they go to the pearl Barbour museum and to a valcano. The next week she pukes every morning again. They return home to ny and expecting to go to their apartment wes drives them to a small suburb called rye. They pull up to a curve outs home on The water. Wes says seldom home. The house is a mansion then he shows her a picture of the boat her bout well a yhatt and a fishing boat and a spot at the local stable with two horses off their very own. Wes was so happy he could do this for Bianca. And they got the horse because they loved it do much on their honeymoon. Bianca's best friends also live in rye. She visits one day and say I think I might be pregnant? She has
her friend go to the store and by 4 test they all come back positive. She goes to the doctor and he tells her she is 3 months and 1 1/2 week along. She goes home and tells wes. She starts to cry when he does not respond. He says dont cry. I Am so happy I do not have words! He picks her up and sounds her arround. They decorate a nersery. 5 months and 3. 1/2 weeks later, July 20th. Bianca gets a strange felling her due date was not until 5 days. The pain only gets worse. Then at 6:00 am her water breaks. They rush to the hospital. And at 3:00 pm bianca gives birth to a buttiful fat baby girl.
They name her Lindsay Athena Rush.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2015 ⏰

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