Chapter 24

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"I've been expecting you...Kendall" 

"How come?"

"Ever since you arrived, you have been absolutely nothing but trouble. First you fall in love with Peter, next his sly games were too much so you separate the two of us. Then that wasn't good enough so you decide to make you lovely little fix everything behind to destroy me. In total honesty, you are in way over your head and you have made enemies with the wrong person."

"Peter is so much more without you there and now I am going to get ride of you eternally once and for all." 

A great flash of light left Kendall as she began to pull the shadow into a void where anything and everything is ripped a part. The shadow fought and the two hovered around the caved in a huge cross fire. One shot after the next both parties began to get tired but continued to fight with every passion within themselves. 

"You can't go on like this forever Kendall!"

"I won't have to!" 

Kendall was unable to pull him in the void, so she used her magic to tear the shadow a part herself. Where there is light, a shadow is unable to exist. Sure enough, Kendall was able to destroy the shadow from the inside out and now he ceases to exist. His thrown moved to the right revealing the final entry point to the heart of Neverland. Kendall made her final journey down to the heart the further she went the darker it became. When she reached the center a rock with a key hole shimmered.  

"Welp, I came this far so here goes nothing." Kendall placed the key in the hole and turned it. She felt a strong surge of energy pulling her in so many directions. No matter how hard she tried, Kendall could not let go of the key. With all her strength she manged to let go, but walking away wasn't so easy. Not only was she trudging against the force of a thousand suns, but she has to use her magic to stop rocks from falling on her. She safely made it far enough away where the pulled couldn't affect her, but the cave began falling and Neverland was crumbling into pieces until it could no longer exist.  Kendall army crawled through the claustrophobic space and ran while throwing rocks to the side to prevent them from hitting her. She reach the cave entry and jumped out just before is collapsed in on itself. 

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