
270 16 5

[ will ]

Another day of school, kill me now. Not that I'd rather be here, my mom is always drunk. 
I get dressed into my normal hoodie and skinny jeans. I walk downstairs and I see my mom passed out on the couch. The entire room reeks of alcohol. 

I open the front door to leave and my mom shouts "Who are you?!" 

I ignore her and mumble "Love you too mom."
Walking to school isn't my favorite thing but it's not like my mom is going to drive me. 
As I walk up to the school I see a couple of the jocks glance at me and whisper to eachother.
It's not like this has never happened before, I'm lucky if it doesn't.
I see them walk up to me and I feel a large fist hit my face. I squeel quietly and hit the ground. The other guy kicks me as I hear a voice yell to him.

"Bro! What are you doing to him!?"

I see the guy walk up to them and tell them to leave me alone. This guy is Jordan, football player, popular, hot, basically perfection. I wasn't expecting him to save me.

"I'm Jordan." he says as he helps me up.

"I know...I-I mean I'm Will." I say look down in embarassment. 

"You're cute when you blush." he says.
Did he just call me cute?

"I believe I did." he says and smirks.

I said that out loud. "Um, thanks I guess. You're not too bad yourself." I say.

"Do you want to sit with my group at lunch?" he asks me.

What? "But I'm just the skinny loser who sits in the back of the room. I'll spare you the embarassment." I respond as I start walking away.

"Will you're not an embarassment. Please?" he asks again. I just nod not knowing what else to say.

-=Time Skip to Lunch=-

I make my way over to Jordan's table and see him looking around.

"Who are you looking for?" I ask as I sit down next to him.

"You." he responds and I feel myself blushing.

Most of his friends just ignore me and sometimes give me dirty looks.

I roll up my sleeves slightly so I can eat and I realize what I've done. I quickly pull my sleeves back down hoping nobody noticed. Just my luck, everyone is looking at me.  I stand up and start running to the door. Once I'm in the hallway I hear Jordan follow me. 

We just stand and look at eachother. "Will why do you do that to yourself?" he asks reffering to my cuts.

"I don't want to talk about it right now." I say looking at my feet.

He lifts my chin up and says "When you're ready to talk about it I'll be right here." he says and our lips connect.

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