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As they reached the mansion

Tanjiros pov

"Um... It's ok for you that we'll-or better say I'll since Nezuko stays with Mitsuki(is that the one girls name)-  be living here for now, right?", I asked as we entered the mansion.

"Seriously Tanjiro, how many times do I have to explain that it's totally fine 😒. The only problem right now  is, I don't have a guest room."

"What?! But what if you get-"

"I usually only get 'guests' when there's a bigger mission or when Shinobu wants to annoy me. And that's it. I don't need a guest room if there are no guests staying at my house.", Giyuu just answered.

"Well, that makes sense."

"Anyways you can sleep with me. I can give you some spare blankets and all (I don't speak English as a native language so I have no idea what that other thing is called sorry-i just realized there's a thing called google translate...  --anyways....).


Wait, we'll be sharing a room???

Oh, I forgot, this is how I write thoughts

I blushed at the thought.

Well it's probably not like we're gonna share a blanket.


Ok stop overreacting, it's all gonna be fine.


"-jiro, tanjiro. Hello? Tanjiro? Are you ok?", I suddenly heated Giyuu.

"Eh? What? Sorry, I spaced out a bit.", I scratched the back of my neck nervous.

This is it for now
I'm pretty uncreative rn sorry
I'll try an post soon...
I'll try.

The next time I'm gonna post the next is probably the next month like I know myself 🤷🤦😭😂🤷👌
See ya

giyuu x tanjiroWhere stories live. Discover now