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Name: Reagan Starlight

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Looks: (picture above) blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, pale skin

Species: human

Personality: brave, outgoing, doesn't take BS from anyone. She's definitely a leader and likes to be in charge. She's smart and practical and tries to look at things from a logical stand point, rather than an emotional one

Powers: she can read and control minds, although she doesn't really like to do that too often

Likes: reading, training, working with the Avengers, working on her powers

Dislikes: dishonesty, controlling people, being taken advantage of or taking advantage of others

Crush: Loki or Pietro Maximoff

Pets: Fen (husky) who follows her everywhere

Background: Reagan was abandoned by her parents at a young age and has been living on her own ever since. She lived on the streets of New York City with her pet Husky, Fen. Eventually, she was picked up by SHIELD due to her powers and was taken in by Nick Fury. She was trained to use her powers and was brought into the Avengers Initiative, once she was able to control them. Her work with SHIELD later leads her to Natasha and Clint, who she bonds closely with. They look after her like parents and she appreciates them and would do anything to protect them

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