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i should have known by your eyes that you were dangerous. beautifully dangerous. some might even go to say a fallen angel.

the first time i met you i hated you. you had everyone charmed from the beginning. not me. maybe that is why you took an interest in me? god i wished i had just stayed quiet but i don't think god could have ever saved me from your wrath.

i thought i was smart but you were smarter. you had to be the best didn't you tom?

i remember when we first met. you probably don't. it was february 1944, the grounds of hogwarts were frozen from the harsh winter that came before. i was sat reading by the black lake when you came out for a smoke, an awful habit of yours.

you recognised me from class. i was surprised because you had never spoken to me before. what makes me worthy of your attention now? did you finally come to your senses and see my power? or were you still blind to the talent right in front of you? i would have loved to know what was going through your mind at that time but we both know that even my legilimency could not break down your walls.

taking a drag of that disease giving habit of yours you confronted me. "why do you not let people see you?" i asked what you meant by that, to which you replied "we both know what i mean." it is true i knew exactly what you mean. why don't i show off? why do i keep my full magic hidden? you wouldn't understand. you loved being the centre of attention. me? i preferred when people underestimate me and i see the look of shock on their face when they succumb to my power.

ever since that day i caught your interest. that was your hamartia, being too obsessive, too fixated on what you wanted and not what was really going on. it was as if you were living in your own delusional fantasy.

you accompanied me to classes. stalked me around the grounds of hogwarts.

was i really that much of a threat to you?

of course i was i was everything you were but better.

i saw the grimace on your face when i completed a new spell before you or when a teacher praised me. you really didn't like being second to me, did you? better get used to it my love.

i was your new obsession, i knew everything you wanted to know and learn. you always thought you were the clever one. news flash no one is better than me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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