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A brisk walk outside the tea garden brought a pink flush on Richard's cheeks. He shivered, half-tempted to go back to the warmth of the garden. Richard looked up at the falling snowflakes, basking in awe at the delicate specks of white that fell down to the grey concrete road.

"So, I'm quite curious as to why someone such as you is so far from home? It must get quite lonely at times, yes?"

Richard rubbed his hands together feebly trying to generate some warmth to battle against the cold weather. He decided that it was a futile attempt and just shoved his hands into his jacket. "Ah, well, you know my degree?" At that Johann gave a small nod, recalling the earlier conversation that they had.

"I'm doing research on the natural fauna and flora of colder regions and studying how to crossbreed some types to be more resistant to the extreme weather."

Johann nodded, intrigued by the process of the research. A quick flash of "Then how come you aren't in colder climates. Surely Belfair isn't the coldest city in the US?"

"I know but my research hasn't gotten the funding to go to actual extreme locations plus I'm not an RK." At Johann's confused look, Richard explained that RK was the common term used to refer to Rich Kids. After Richard's lengthy explanation, Johann still looked as confused as ever but nonetheless, the conversation had moved on to more mundane topics. They walked for a couple of minutes as the buildings of civilization got replaced by the sepia-colored trees dusted in a delicate ivory. They fell into a comfortable silence, admiring the quiet atmosphere.

They arrived at a local flower nursery, the different growing flora enticing Richard's curiosity. He went closer to the local flowers that he couldn't find elsewhere in his homeland. Johann leaned in from where he was standing, a detached interest on the array of flowers, however, Richard's untainted joy, brought a small smile to his face.

"You really love nature, huh?"

Richard, still grinning from ear to ear nodded and went back to looking at the plants with an intensely curious stare. He took in the scent of the fresh dirt and growing flowers. Crouching down to look at the leaves closer as he divulged as to why he held such a passionate fascination with fauna and flora.

"It was my country's natural beauty and my mother's job that made me realize that I wanted to be involved in a field related to agriculture. Most people go to the Philippines for island beaches, but the Philippines is more than a tropical place, you know?"

Johann stepped back as Richard started going down the aisle behind him, Johann shoved his hands into his jacket pockets as he walked just a few steps behind Richard. "Sounds like you miss your country."

Richard let out a light laugh, "Yeah, I guess you're right. America is fine and all but I'm never going to be an American."

"Not a fan of their American dream?" Richard burrowed his face under his hands. "Every time I look at the bills I have to pay? Feels more like an American Nightmare."

A shrill yelp startled both men from their discussion as a young girl sat on the floor with a sack of dirt spread across her lap and the floor. Richard immediately rushed to help, carefully assisting the girl in brushing off some of the dirt that landed on her hair and shoulders.

"Thank you so much! I thought I could make it to the storage room but my stick arms failed me."

"Well, I'm just glad you weren't hurt gladly ma'am."

The woman in question blushed, both too busy talking to notice Johann glaring at her. Richard patted his pockets and found his handkerchief to give to her.

"Here's a handkerchief ma'am, for your uh-" Richard gestured to her face that had specks of dirt that clung to her face. Johann stepped closer to them, gracefully avoiding the mess, and stood close to Richard.

"Miss, we'd be more than happy to help clean up the mess made when you fell, while you freshen up. Do take care on your way, the fall might have affected you more than we think, so err on the side of caution." Johann said though it seemed as though his thinly veiled sarcasm lost itself in the wake of the girl's bubbly attitude. Richard on the other hand noticed his tone and slightly raised a brow. Johann pointedly made sure to ignore the unspoken questions that lingered in the air.

Richard decided to leave it be and went to look for a silhig and a dustpan. He found one near stacked wooden crates. He grabbed it and started sweeping the dirt, asking Johann to move the small pots near the mess out of the way.

"I think this is the first time I cleaned up with someone I'm going on a date with," Johann said, a facsimile of a smile on his face. "I can't say I've asked someone I've met on the same day as well either." Richard let out a small laugh, as he swept the dirt away. "Well, at least I can say that our first outing wasn't boring."

They swept the rest of the mess into a nearby empty bin. Richard had just set down the cleaning tools, the employee had returned in a new outfit. Her hair was slightly damp and her cheeks flushed. Probably from the cold air.

"I'm so sorry!" The woman kept apologizing even when Richard said that it wasn't her fault. Johann backed Richard up to assuage the employee's concern. Eventually, after a couple of minutes, she had finally calmed down enough for them to be on their way. They continued walking and ended back to the front section of the nursery on their way to the exit when a plant caught Richard's eye.

He stopped, causing Johann to falter in his step and look at the general direction of where Richard was looking. "What caught your eye?"

"Ah, pasalubong para nimo!" Richard yelled as he rushed to the plant that had caught his eye, running over to the cashier leaving Johann confused at both his actions and words. Johann was left to stand in the middle of the nursery, alone. At a loss of what to do, he shuffled to the side, accidentally hitting a pot with the side of the leather shoe. Johann crouched down, carefully inspecting the pot without touching it any further. After accessing the pot and not finding any damage, except for displaced soft dirt that landed on the floor.

He slowly stood up, smoothing the wrinkles on his custom suit, and grinned as Richard walked back with a small bag containing a young pot. "Back already? What did you purchase?"

"It's a Primula vulgaris, commonly called Primrose!" Richard gleefully said, he held the package out to him. "It's a gift, for you... uh, if you want to accept it of course. I don't know what I was really thinking..." Richard's self-assured grin petered out into a mumbling of English and his mother tongue. Johann cut him off by gracefully taking the package from him and held it in his hands like it was the most precious item he had. Johann thanked Richard on their way out of the nursery before realizing that he didn't exactly know how to care for the plant.

"Maybe we can exchange numbers and I can help you take care of it?"

"It's a future date then, dear Richard," Johann said, clutching the young plant close to his heart. Richard blushed before agreeing, going their separate ways after exchanging numbers.

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