Dreams and Projects

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Katie's POV

After Capture the flag our team went to the lake to celebrate our first win of the summer. It was an amazing game with new strategies and tactics and it was certainly a game to celebrate.

While everyone was enjoying their night, I couldn't help but think of Travis. Somethings different about him and I like it but I know he just wants to gain my trust to prank me again. So I won't let him. Anyway me and Nyssa are working on a prank for him, and we'll get him good.

After a mini party at the beach I went back to my cabin. The cabin brings me such happiness with the vines up the walls, grassy floor, and the oak tree inside. I climbed up to my bunk and layed down trying to get some shut eye. Unfortunately, demigods never get a peaceful night around here.

So here I am in this dark room waiting when I see everybody from camp on two sides of a room yelling. They're voices are muffled but a louder voice screamed over everyone saying "This isn't what we wanted, we're tearing each other apart, this needs to end. NOW!!!" the voice screamed that last bit louder than anything I've ever heard before, it was enough to wake me up with a headache.

I couldn't sleep after that so I went to my garden on the porch and started gardening. I planted new seeds, pulled weeds, and watered plants until people started to wake up. I went back into the cabin, got dressed and went to breakfast.

After breakfast I ran to the hephaestus cabin to get Nyssa.

I opened the door and everyone stared, probably cause no one dares go into the cabin of traps.

"Hey" I stated kinda awkwardly.

"Good to see you Kat, let's get to work!" She gave me a little wink. I smiled and she grabbed a bag and dragged me out the door to the forges.

After a few hours the prank was set up and ready to go. We planed that we'd do the prank early and set it up tonight for tomorrow morning and that's when it'll all go down.

Travis's POV

Connor is driving me crazy, he keeps teasing me about Katie and how she could do so much better than me. Someone please tell me where his off button is. Please!

As Connor continued to annoy me, Chris walked in with Clarisse right behind him.

I whispered to Connor with a dead serious face and said "Say one more word and I swear I'll kill you" he must've known I wasnt kidding cause he shut up real quick.

"Whatcha guys doing?" Connor asked with a nervous face now.

"Just chilling, you good?"

I looked at Connor and he didnt hesitate to respond.

"Yeah, I'm good, just chillin too"

Honestly I didn't know I could be that scary but I'm glad I could or else the whole camp would've known by now.

"If you two want to be alone, we can leave" I said with a little smirk

"Oh shut up, and yeah bye" Clarisse chimed in.

When Clarisse says something it's always brutal. But since she's scary we left quickly, leaving them the cabin.

"Dude what was that look about?!" Connor exclaimed.

"Well if you don't mind, I wanted to keep my crush a secret. Between you and me, not the whole camp"

"Fine, I won't tell but you owe me five bucks"

"Whatever" I replied with a sigh.

After that I went to see if anyone other than Connor wanted to train with me. And I ended up with his magesty, the Ghost King.

Katie's POV

I'd been taking a walk through the woods when I ran into Will Solace, who apparently had the same idea as me.

"Hey, sorry, am I getting in your way?" He asked. That boy has always been so polite.

"No, no it's fine. You could join me if you'd like"

"Sure" he grinned.

"You ok you seem a little stressed?"

"Yeah, it's just that sometimes being the camp doctor can get a little stressful. So I come down here to relax, taking walks really helps." I understood what he meant about it being relaxing. This was my method too, I've just never run into him on one of my walks.

"But anyway what brings you here, middle of the woods, not many people would trust this place." He asked.

"Just decided to take a walk to unwind. Plus I'm planning something big so I need to keep calm"

"Big huh. Like what?"

"You'll see"

We continued to walk and just vent about our problems for a while. I talked to him without giving away my plans but sort of explaining them.

Eventually, it was time for dinner and we had to go, but promised we'd do this again seeing as it was the only sort of therapy either of us were getting.

Travis POV

Dinner was just about as normal as a bunch of demigods in one room could get, so not that normal at all but close enough.

I talked to Julia about some new prank ideas and we agreed on a few for some cabins, but what really mattered was after dinner in the Hermes cabin.

The annual 'Project', its the biggest prank of the summer that we play on the entire camp. This year its gonna be the biggest and best one yet.

We started planning the project and brainstorming ideas that went beyond anything we've ever done. After about an hour or two of sitting there we decided we'd continue another day and would go to bed.

Katie's POV

We had a plan, fake sleep, get up, set up the prank, and go back to bed. If only it had been that simple.

Nyssa's POV

I sleep on a top bunk, making it hard to get down without someone noticing. Nonetheless, I got off the bed without making a sound. I took one step and the floor creaked. Add that to the list of things for us Hephaestus kids to fix.

I took another step and the floor creaked again and someone shuffled, frightening me. Luckily they didn't wake up and I continued. Eventually I made it to the door and realized I couldn't get the door open without waking everyone up. I had to make a plan to get out.

It took me twenty minutes, but I came up with something, the completely forgotten escape.

I carefully made my way over to the bathroom and managed to open the bathroom door silently. I then slipped in and opened the mirror cabinet that was built into the wall.

I pulled the key out of the cabinet and stuck it in hole in the wall. Suddenly there was a click and the wall opened. Dam, I love hidden doors. Anyway I ran to forges to meet Katie.

"Hey, I'm here"

"What took you so long?" She whispered

"Sorry I had some uhh complications" I replied with a half smile.

"You ready to do this?" I asked

"I've only been waiting years" She now said with a smirk on her face.

Don't know if this is still short but if it is, please tell me and I'll take any feedback you guys can give me. Thanks.

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