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Having the blood of adepti flowing throughout her genes and veins, Ganyu was no beginner to facing the world. Having fought together with the god of contracts himself, Rex Lapis, Ganyu was by no means inexperienced in any field, considering she had been around for many years.

However, when faced with this current situation, Ganyu felt the rare anxiety flowing throughout her body. She felt inexperienced again, something she hadn't felt in a long time. 

Ganyu had never indulged herself deep into the field of love. It was ironic, given that she had been alive for thousands of years, but not once had she found the need to have a partner. Reason being, Ganyu was afraid that she would lose the one she loved. Being part adepti, Ganyu was granted the blessing of immortality. Be it a blessing or a curse, it was for Ganyu to decide. Unfortunately, it was currently a curse for her. 

There stood before her, the Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing. A person of strict values and a strong mindset. Someone who was the first person Ganyu had ever met, to be skeptical of Rex Lapis himself. The same person with eyes that killed and the same person who made her heart race whenever she was in her presence.


She stood tall and proud, arms folded. Ganyu almost felt ashamed that she was not on her knees before her. Keqing had called her over to her office for a discussion. Ganyu had no clue what she wanted to discuss, but she was willing to help her by any means.

However, it felt different this time. There was something in the air, an unknown tension hanging around them. The Yuheng cleared her throat, spotting a faint blush. 

"G-Ganyu," she began shyly.

"Yes? Lady Keqing." 

"You are good at expressing your feelings, correct?" 

"Yes, lady Keqing." 

"T-Then, help me in expressing mine," The Yuheng requested. 


Ganyu had never expected such a request from the Yuheng herself. Keqing was already known to be expressive of her opinions, who would have thought that feelings would be hard to express for her? But alas, it was. 

"Oh… well, how do you currently feel?" Ganyu asked. Keqing seemed to be thinking about it for a while, before turning back and answering Ganyu. 

"My heart is beating really fast right now. It beats fast whenever you're around." 

Hearing those words made Ganyu's own heart quicken its pace, a blush soaring to her cheeks. 

"I-Is there anything else?" 

"I...I like it whenever you're around, Ganyu. I feel safe? I-I'm not sure, I just like being with you." 

"I see." 

It went silent after that. Ganyu offered a soft and sweet smile to Keqing, who was blushing harder. The two stared at each other, admiring the features and the intense eyes of one another. 

"Do you mind if I do something?" Ganyu spoke, breaking the silence. 

"Oh? Like what?" Ganyu didn't answer. She started walking towards Keqing, still wearing her soft smile.

"W-What are you-" Keqing was interrupting her questioning when Ganyu wrapped her arms around her and hugged her warmly. Keqing stood frozen momentarily, before sighing and wrapping her arms around Ganyu's waist. 

No words were exchanged - there was no need. Keqing buried her face into Ganyu's neck while Ganyu rested her head against Keqing's. There were no words needed for the both of them to know that they were enjoying this moment. 

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