Chapter 1

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It was July 24 , 2004, their was a family happy as ever , A Husband and Wife  Steve and Stephanie, with their 3 daughters Sera , Salina, and Sam, fraternal triplets. Around the age of two, Sam got separated from her sisters do too a never ending fights for months and months in the Silas house , Steve and Stephanie were bickering back and fourth one day after another. The bickering started when Steve started to notice Stephanie using the money for random things that had no use too their everyday life. As this time went on during these few months Steve grew to have a little Hate, for Stephanie, and felt like that love was no longer their. One day Steve had enough and decided to put a stop too it . When Stephanie came back from the store, 2 steps into the house, Steve walks up too Stephanie with a passion " Were have you been, it's 8:40pm and the girls had nothing in the fridge too eat, I tried making them some food but I couldn't find the ingredients cause theirs nothing in the fridge" He looks down at the bags on the floor "why do you have so much bags?" Steve pulls a tent out of the bag " Is this even necessary we have 2 in the garage and your went and bought another one" he yelled as he pointed in the directions of the garage. "It was on SAL-E" Stephanie said not getting to finish her sentence " You have time too go buy this garbage but you don't have time too come make some food for the kids" " You know we don't have money for this stuff, we're living on a string and you know that and u still decide to go buys stuff every week that we don't even use and it's just tucked away in the garage. We have bills, mortgages , 3 kids for god sake, a house, we need to support them, give them a roof over their head, food, water " he lets out a breath " Your out here wasting money when we have so much we could do with that money, you know I work all day too support this family but you go and waste the money I bring into this house and take it for granted" Stephanie out of shock by what he just said, Steve out of angriness said, without a second thought and regretted it as soon as it came out off his mouth " I WANT A DIVORCE" he yelled

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