chapter 3

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Amelia's POV

Wionna led me and the human to the living room where we sat around a table with a map on it
"These are the places that are garded by the emperor 's coven " wionna said pointing at the map the human nodded listening carefully at what was said "the emperor is planning something big and we are going to find out what " wionna Had a evil smile now
"And how are we supposed to find out what is he planning " I said with no expression
"We are going to capture a gard and interogate them " wionna simply said
"And if they don't cooperate we can simply torture them " she continued as if all of this was a normal thing
After we all agreed we decided that we will strike tomorrow night and that tonight we needed sleep
We all went to different rooms to get some rest

The next morning
Lucia's POV
I woke up in a room that wasn't mine I took a moment to remember what happened everything came back to me the plan the attack and that all of it is going to happen tonight
I got out of the room and went to the living room because well that is the only place in the building I know how to get to I was greeted by wionna
"Hey " she said
"Morning, where is the kitchen" I asked
"It's the door that's opposite to amelia's room " she said

I found the door and decided to cook breakfast for everyone a I got a pan some eggs and bacon as I was working I heard Amelia's door open "good morning"I said she didn't answer
"I am making breakfast you can wait in the living room " thanks was all I got
After a while I got to the living room with 3 plates full of food we all ate in silence once we finished amelia took the empty plates back to the kitchen
"So about the plan "I said getting wionna's attention "are gonna go to separate places " "no we are all going to the same place except different streets " I nodded once Amelia came back wionna gave us each a toky woky (i don't know how to spell it)
"If one of you capture a gard tell the other to go back to the hq " we nodded and like that the day went on normally I discovered that blight was not the friendly kind and that if you mess with her she might lite on fire

Before going to accomplish the mission we had to stop by my house to get my bat  that I covered with ice glyphs after I told Eda that she needed to watch luz for me we all headed to the place where the plan was gonna take place

I was sitting on a roof waiting for a guard to show up alone which was gonna be hard because they were always 2 guards until one of them made the mistake to go to a dark alley alone I followed him and got down to the ground as silently as possible as he was turning around I smacked him with my bat that was covered in ice he immediately fell unconscious I picked him up and told the others that I had captured one and to meet me at the hq

And like that I was making my way back to the hq in hopes that we will get some informations

Thanks for all the people that actually took the time to read my story it was my dream to write one comment your opinion I would love to hear it and please forgive my spelling mistakes and the lack of creative ideas because the story will get more exciting over time I love you all soooo much b

Bye guys❤❤

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