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"Ari, is that you?" My mother called out from the kitchen.

I could already smell her cooking from where I stood, and replied as soon as I removed my shoes. "Yes! And I've got Rycio with me too. Is that alright?"

She peeked her head around the corner and smiled at us both, her curly brown hair pulled back into a hair net. "Of course, darling. Come on, come on, let's get both of you fed," she hummed, waving us towards the kitchen where the gorgeous aromas lingered heavy in the air.

Rycio paced at my side, keeping back behind my lead as we entered through the doorway. I noticed almost immediately that he was far more hesitant than usual, but I knew it wouldn't help to ask, especially not in front of my family.

Sitting down at the kitchen table, Rycio and I exchanged a few meek glances, before my mother carried over two hefty plates of food. She had always enjoyed spoiling me, and food was the one way that she had always kept me happy. Of course, she never really allowed me to cook for myself, but in most instances, I enjoyed the convience of it all.

"Roasted chicken in my homemade stew-pot spice blend, along with some home grown vegetables and crispy roast potatoes." She smiled and presented it to us like an overly enthusiastic show-host, before turning towards my older brother and father who was sitting at the kitchen counter. "Derion, Harry, everything alright with your meals?"

"Please, mum, just call my Deri. You know how much I hate my full name," Derion groaned, pulling up the hood of his jumper whilst my father patted his back.

"Oh come now, Derion, I think it's a wonderful name," my mother argued, walking over towards them both and making sure that they were eating.

I snickered slightly beneath my breath and let loose a comment I didn't expect. "Deri sounds a little like Deli, don't you think? At least Derion won't get you bullied."

My brother shot up from his seat and swiftly stomped towards me. "Oh yeah, like Ari is any better. Mr Ari-ass-whiper."

I rolled my eyes. "Wow, real original, Deli. What are we? Back in kindergarten or something? Come on, you're two years older than me, you should have a little more common sense than that."

Rycio snorted slightly and almost started choking on his water. Unfortunately though, this only pushed my dearest brother damn near the edge.

"How about Ari-cock-sucker then?" He sneered, glancing between myself and Rycio. "Like come on, you bring this dude over almost every day, you two have got to be doing something-"

I stood up and punched him square in the jaw, feeling my knuckles light up with pain as a furious rage burned inside of me. I had nothing against being called what I had, but in front of Rycio, it was down right insensitive and disrespectful. Especially since my brother knew what had happened between Rycio and Charlie.

"Ari!" My father shrieked, shooting up to his feet as he rushed to my brother's side.

Derion was fine, and had just crumpled to the floor in shock. But by the look on my mother's face, I may have gone just a little bit too far.

"Go to your room, now!" My father growled, before helping my brother up and guiding him back towards his seat.

Horrified, I could feel my blood boiling with rage. "But dad, you heard what he fucking said-"

"Now!" He ordered, pointing towards the door and glaring at us both. "I don't want to see either of you until tomorrow morning, and Derion, keep your damn mouth shut around your brother."

Defeated, I left behind my half-eaten meal and turned to wait for Rycio. He was clearly shaken, and terribly embarrassed, which was understandable really. I would have hated to have been in his shoes.

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