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They were seriously jumping out of a fucking window. 

"Have you lost your mind? Is SM putting something in their water??"

"Relax Kitten, I promise I won't kidnap you~" There was a slight pause between the pair. "Actually no I can't promise that." 

Jieun's mind quickly dismissed his sly humor and instead zeroed onto what he called her. Kitten? 

"...whachu just call me?" She was already exasperated, and they haven't even snuck out yet.

Haechan shrugged. "I dunno. You're just a kitten."  

He already jumped onto the ground but Jieun was still clinging to the window frame. 

She shifted on the thin frame. The girl's newfound nickname couldn't keep her from having second thoughts. "Ya know, staring at a wall for a couple of hours is starting to sound very enticing." She was partially yelling since it was a good 8-foot drop.

"I wouldn't yell if I were you. Guards are patrolling the campus at all times."

Jieun genuinely couldn't tell if he was lying or not. 

"Joookes. No guards, only cameras. And literally no one checks them." Haechan seemed to sense she was very on edge. "Seriously, landing on the bush isn't bad at all. It softens the impact." 

He took a deep sigh. "This bush and I, we go way back. Long ago when I was a trainee I would land on it at least once a week to sneak–"

"Ok, I'll jump if you just shut up about the bush." 

The boy grinned ear to ear. He then used his right hand to gesture zipping up his mouth. 

"I hope your mouth stays like that for a while," Jieun murmured. 

"Heard that," Despite his comment, he appeared completely unbothered. Haechan seemed to be aware he was voluble. In fact, he takes pride in it. His sharp tongue must work on all the girls, Jieun thought. How many girls has he led out the exact same window?  

Haechan's impatient grunt  cut her thoughts. After a few haste breaths, she finally dropped into the deep green bush. He was right. Surprisingly cushioned the blow. 

"You did it!" He looked genuinely proud. "You completed your first lesson in variety skills–sometimes you've gotta step out of your comfort zone." 

Jieun lifted her brow. "You totally made that up on the spot, didn't you?" 

"Stay guessing, Kitten~" 

He began to walk towards the city lights, and Jieun quickly caught up, following the boy in quiet wonderment. 


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