Imagine Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

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"Y/N! Y/N get up we gotta go!" Your sister shook you awake.

You got up and looked around the room "what is it?"

"There are these things eating people! Come on mom says we have to pack, our camping gear." You spring up and do as she says. You can hear your mom opening and closing drawers and cupboards and your dad opening the gun vault. you stuff some clothes you use for camping, you then rush out to the living room and your dad handed you your rifle, ammo and your crossbow you use for hunting. You all run outside and take in the hectic scene neighbors, friends and strangers flee being chased by their own neighbors except not them anymore. One of the monsters takes you all by surprise and comes out of nowhere. It manages to scratch your sister before your dad shoots it, your sister screams and your dad rips the arm off his t-shirt and ties it around her arm tightly. You notice your neighbor Dale along with some others getting into Dale's camper.

"Can we travel with you?!" Your dad asks.

"Yeah hurry up!" You all clamor inside and sit on one of the beds.

"Mommy what's going to happen?" Your little sister asked.

"Shhh, it'll be alright. Try to sleep." You and her snuggled up together and slowly drifted off to sleep.


You were jerked awake by a huge rut in the road. The camper stopped in a clearing as well as other cars you could see out the window. You and your family got out of the camper and started setting up tents and your dad wraps your sisters arm properly with gauze. That night you can't sleep, your sister moans in her sleep in the tent next to you and the unfamiliar night sounds are frightening. Suddenly you hear your sister get up and you get out of your tent.

"What's wrong? Can't sleep?" You ask.

She moans and turns around to face you and you scream. Her eyes are hazy and her pupils dialeted. Her skin is extremely pale and you see the bandage where the thing had scratched her was ripped off and crawling with maggots. She slowly walks towards you and you're rooted to the spot. She grabs you, pulls you towards her, you try to get away but her tawny arms hold surprising strength. She bites into your shoulder and rips a chunk out, you scream with terror and pain. A gunshot rings out and bits of your sisters brain and scalp splatter your face and you both fall to the ground. The last thing you and is a man you recognize as one who sullenly introduced himself as Daryll raise a crossbow and pull the trigger

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