Start of Dystopian Life

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The Breaking News on the live news channels was about a solar flare that will hit the Earth within a week, It is predicted that this Magnetic Storm will last for a day and none of the electronics will work for a whole week and because of the Storm, a curfew was ordered by the board that none should step out of the houses until further notice..............

Secret Terrain Espionage Agency of Logistic Tactical Hawking (S.T.E.A.L.T.H) is a secret Project run by the world government, to take care of anything unusual on the earth, after the fact that Aliens are no more a myth..... This Project consists of Many Prodigies, Scientists, spies, Warriors, technologists, and many other Brilliant Brains, This Magnetic Storm caught sight of the STEALTH agents. It was predicted to only have a little impact, and it did but soon after the first Storm, there came another Storm behind it with 3 days and it continued for a month, the first Storm Lasted for a day and the next one lasted for 2 days and each time the storm came, it would last for an extra 24 hours, after a Month the World stopped revolving the sun and Moon stopped revolving the Earth, the Earth was Dystopian, many started dying because of heat, Soon enough Hail of Fire started, many people died in the streets.... Those who were left alive were trying to figure out what was happening to the earth, Due to the excess heat from the sun, many viruses that lived inside active volcanos came up..... any started getting affected by that virus, The conclusion came as the end of Humanity,  During the calamities, The S.T.E.A.L.T.H Agents were taking as many civilians, they could under their custody and hid them from the new world domination, and provided their needs........

Days passed by nothing changed, 2 Months ago none expected this.....

An invasion of Ruthless Killer Bots called Corans led by a Mythical creature Kethsab, An immortal being, he calls himself Phoenix, stories have that he was an experiment conducted by Corans but it is said that the experiment went wrong by the mistake done by a well-known human scientist named D'cruz after Kethsab came to knew the truth, he killed the scientist and wiped out the entire Coran race but those Robots who betrayed their own kinds are alive as slaves with Kethsab, He killed many humans when he came in just to get revenge on that Dr. D'cruz, and a lot of them were taken as slaves, Those who were kept on the S.T.E.A.L.T.H basement were the ones left untortured

The Agents of S.T.E.A.L.T.H were sneaking the people out of The Phoenix's clutches and kept them safe in the Basement, Sooner the Agents from the science division found out that nothing happened to the Sun or the Moon,.......... It was Kethsab who burned the Earth and the Corans who hacked into the Satellites, The Lost hopes revived in the hearts of Humans, The STEALTH Agents planned an attack against Kethsab, Higher agents selected some Civillians who were in the basement to be trained..... and after a month they proceeded on implementing a Sneak attack, they marched  into Kethsab's big black building, Agent Tessa and Agent Dave were leading the trained civillians into the lion's den. But their plan was a flop, the corans got them and many were killed on the spot, the left were outnumbered Agent Dave died as a hero protecting the lives of a few agents by taking a bullet in his heart, so the left persons were Agent Tessa, Smith, Gabe, Agent Kaley, Agent Jonathan, Ross.....
Gabe recommended trembling... to return back and everyone ran away back  from there and returned to the basement after leading everyone into the lion's den, and Agent Tessa was angry she wanted to do something knowing the truth.... so she decided to go back to Kethsab to avenge for her fellow Agent Dave....when everyone in the basement were fast asleep she snuk out of the basement but she was followed by some one and when she figured that, she turned back and the followers were caught red handedly and when Tessa was about to beat them up senselessly, a familiar voice said "don't, Kill me, I swear I did not do anything" and The raised Hands of Tessa lowered understanding that it was Gabe voice and it was the crew that came with her on the other day to kill Kethsab, Smith said "Tessa you don't have to do this alone we all are with you" and Tessa replied "you guys, this is a suicide mission and I don't want any of your families cursing the Agency for taking you all with me" " and what about you.... don't you have family asked Agent Jonathan and Tessa replied I don't have one, both my parents died at my very young age, and also I joined the Agency only to save lives not look them die" and Jonathan said "finally you got the time to tell about your past" and Kalye said "Ok you joined the Agency to save lives and we also have the same feel of losing everything that we have to that Bird guy, so it is final we are coming with you" and Tessa had no other option other than taking them along with her, they all sneaked into Kethsab's building unnoticed, they released all the hostages and Tessa asked Ross and Gabe to take them back to basement, Ross asked "what about you" and Tessa said "sooner or later Kethsab is going to find out that Hostages are missing, so I am going to finish this right now" and Smith and Jonathan tagged along Tessa and they went In front of Kethsab,

He was wearing a long Robe and he was an ancient has been but his army is really advanced.... a weird combination of leader and followers. And a Rough deep voice said "I have been expecting you Tessa, Smith and Jonathan, when my corans said that you are stronger It was doubtful but you are confident that you will kill me soon but me... i am immortal (loud voice) The One and only Immortal Phoenix, I never die" and Tessa said "enough of your drama, you have killed many innocent people and have tortured many, now I am going to kill you once and for all" and she raised her gun against Kethsab, loaded and when she pulled the trigger the bullet rushed into Kethsab's heart but came through the other way and the hole in Kethsab's heart closed, full of rage Tessa shot him again and again till She was out of bullet, angrily Tessa asked "what the hell are you" and Kethsab chuckled and replied "I told you I am Immortal, you can't stab me, shoot me or burn me, you can't kill me" and Smith said Tessa calm down, don't be angry.... you got to stay cool to stay alive" and Jonathan said "Tessa he is right, Chill down" and Kethsab said "well, there is no way to kill me now, and I am not interested in killing you all, so Corans please take these heroes to the dungeon and they were taken to the dungeon,

Tessa, Jonathan and Smith sitting in the pitch dark room, Smith said "well, we tried and now it is over... let us all stay here till the end of our lives" and Jonathan replied "Tessa, there has to be some way to kill him" and Tessa said "Yeah, he can be killed somehow, this bird man got into my nerves" and Jonathan said "yeah, during all these years I have never seen you lose your chills, even during punishments!", Tessa said " This place is dark and it is getting cold, if this continues... we will freeze to death" Jonathan surprisingly said " Tessa! That is The answer, you did it you are great" and confused Tessa said "wh...what did I do? Well if it was of any help.... then ok" and Jonathan said "No, no, no..... if we can't stab him or shoot him or burn him, we can freeze him to death but we need liquid nitrogen" and Smith said "Well, when they brought us here on the 21 floor they had bodies froze to death, and they had cylinders of liquid nitrogen but only a person with higher security clearance can get into if we tried the sensorwill go off,"

THE AGENTS OF S.T.E.A.L.T.HOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora