Chapter 1

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" A bit anxious to meet your upcoming husband, are you?" Aria's father, Edward, smiled gently and took Arias' hand in his. "Maybe a little," Aria answered.

" Don't worry, my dear, it will be alright," Edward looked deep into Arias' light-brown eyes, his smile was gentle, his eyes showing Aria to stop worrying and try to enjoy this day. " Thanks, father. It's not like we are getting married today," Aria laughed finally. " yeah, this is just a meeting," his father said and let go of Aria's soft hand. " I should go and check how Asher is doing. He's meeting his upcoming wife after all," he continued and started to climb up the double stairs.

Aria headed towards the dining room back of the castle for some breakfast before Bringham's arrival. She stepped to the lightly lidded room with a long round table in the middle of it. The dining room didn't have any windows except a big circular hole in the ceiling covered with a big glass lid, or that's what Aria always called it. Aria thought that this was the prettiest room in the castle, so she always had to admire its beauty before sitting down to eat.

Just now, she realized that the table was full of different kinds of food, but she just took an apple and mango from the nearest basket. She bit the apple in her hand and her mouth filled with a soft and sweet taste. This apple might be the best that she ever tasted. When she was done with her breakfast, she decided to go up the stairs to her bedroom.

"I have to do something with my hair," she mumbled, leaving the dining room and heading toward the staircase in the left corner of the castle. The stairs were old but supportive. Aria had to lift her dress when she climbed the stairs, so she wouldn't trip.

Aria sat down in front of her desk, she looked at herself from the mirror. "What should I do with my hair today?" she asked, grabbing her hairbrush from the table. Aria opened one of the drawers and took a couple of transparent hair ties into her hand. She dropped them to the table. Aria sorted her hair into three sections, one to the right side and two to the left. Aria made two french braids of the left sections of hair and put them in a high ponytail with the rest of the hair.

"Oh, you're here," Aria heard a soft woman's voice behind her and quickly shifted her eyes towards the door to see one of the maids come into the room. " I was just getting my hair done. I was just leaving, so you can clean without me interrupting," Aria responded and forced a slight smile on her rounded face. "Thank you, sweetie. Please let me know how it goes with Sander and Lilith'', the maid smiled at Aria. "Will do! Hey, do you know where my brother might be?" Aria cheered. "I'm sorry, but I haven't seen him," the maid responded. "It's okay. See you later", Aria said and left her room.

"Asher, where are you? I need to talk to you!" Aria yelled through the big halls of the castle. "What do you want?" She finally heard her big brother's kind voice behind one of the countless doors. The door to the room was weighty and opened creaking. Aria saw her brother standing in front of a big mirror, trying to get his suit to stay ideally. "Nice suit," Aria blurted. "Nice hair," Asher responded to her and turned around to face her sister. "What is it you want to talk about?" He continued and landed his eyes on Arias'. " I'm really nervous, I couldn't even eat a proper breakfast," Aria responded to him and shifted her arms behind her back. "That's okay, I'm nervous too. Don't worry, it's going to be alright, and it's just lunch. I won't leave you alone with him, I promise", Asher told her and stepped a little closer to his sister. "Thank you, Asher. That means a lot to me", Aria said quietly and leaned to hug him. "Thank you for being here for me," she continued and felt Asher's hands on her back. "Always," Asher whispered in Arias' ear and let go of the hug. "They are almost here, so what if we go to the courtyard to wait for them?" Asher requested and held Arias' hands in his. "Okay, let's do that," Aria smiled at her brother, and they left the room hand in hand.

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