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I double updated you lucky people.

Louis woke up with pain everywhere. All around his body. He was still naked on the floor. There was blood all around him. Stan scratched and punched him and bruised him. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to run. He had an idea. "Back to harry. Yes. But Stan will just use his charming attitude to bring me back home. I guess I'll just run away"

So he packed while Stan was at 'work' probably fucking some chicks.

He just cried. He loved Stan with all his heart. They were boyfriends. They were lovers for years. He didn't know what happened that made Stan so cold towards him. Does Stan really love him? Did Stan even loved him? The last thing louis packed was a photo at their graduation ceremony where both were wearing blue and white while Louis was being carried by Stan, Louis' legs wrapped around Stan's waist, both looking at each other in the eyes and smiling. Those were the days

He quickly put the photo in his pocket and went to catch the bus to Doncaster. Back to his parents away from Cheshire.


"SLUT. WHERE ARE YOU" Stan yells throwing things around the house.

Stan had come back to find half of the cupboard empty and a note

Thank you for being there for me earlier in those days. Even though you might have a change of attitude I still will love you if you ever hurt me. I left because I'm weak and not good for you.
Good luck finding another me to bitch around

-Your fucking slut"

Abused For A Reason (Larry Stylinson) BOOK ONETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang