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Some friends just don't last for long.


There is a difference between love and hate, there is always a number line. If I really don't like you, you won't be on the line at all. I don't end up hating you for one reason, I just ended up disliking you for multiple reasons.


People think that I would be depressed just because they say they don't like me, you thought wrong because I couldn't care less.


People at school be like "I ain't your friend anymore" and I'm like "I ain't come here to earn your friendship, I came to learn."


We're so far apart but seem so close. Next time I won't still miss you.


If your fake doesn't mess with me, I go against fake (niggas). So if it's you, I advise you to wave goodbye.


Once you are on my hate list don't ever expect to get off by a simple "sorry," cause "sorry is complete (bullshit)"


If you say you don't love me that wouldn't matter because...Allah loves me. My family loves me and I love me. It ain't the end of the world if you don't love me. The world doesn't revolve around you.


If you love me you would not applaud me for doing bad things. You love me right?


You only discover your real friends when you get hurt.


I hate school projects and group work, it really is annoying especially when I'm trying to be nice.


The moment you find out the person who likes you is unattractive... Awkward...


Change, why should I have to rearrange? Sometimes it's so strange. Especially at this teenage.


People call me rude and I am! Really Unique with Detected Excellence.


You've pushed me down making sure I cant get back on my feet but keep telling me that you love me. Well, I have information that says otherwise.


You've been gone now for over a year and you've been stuck in my head. I wonder if I should keep waiting to meet you again. 


You've judged me cover continuously and read my book over and over ruining my privacy. But yet you say you don't understand. Maybe it's because half of it is about how I feel about you, but you never bothered to pay attention. Open your eyes and you'll see yourself the way I do.


It's full of Somo's and we all know, you don't like those.


You think that having a fresh start will change you in a snap of a finger but the truth is changing your image won't change your heart. Change yourself in the right way.


 Love is not something that you force, it's something that you earn. Once you lost it there's no coming back.


There's a point in life where you stop caring about your feelings, but for a girl who never expresses her, I still care and I will always know what my feelings are.


Curiosity killed a cat, but jealousy ate my heart.

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