Chapter Five: Three New Friends

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Tanjiro leaves the meeting room with Shinobu and Rengoku. "That went quite well!", Tanjiro says. "Ara, ara!~ Your right Tanjiro-kun!", Shinobu says. 

"Excuse me."

The three turn around to see Muichiro. "Oh! Muichiro do you need something?", Rengoku asks. "No, no. I just want to walk with you guys.", Muichiro says. "That's alright!", Tanjiro says, showing a kind smile. They walk and talk all the way to the Butterfly Mansion. 

"Well, this was a nice talk.", Muichiro says. "Thank you." "Of course!", Tanjiro says. Muichiro leaves. "We must go check on a couple things, but we'll be back!" Rengoku says, walking with Shinobu toward the Ubuyashiki Mansion. Tanjiro, now by himself see the two boys from earlier. Tanjiro walks over to them. "AHHH!! STOP CHASING ME!!", the boy with yellow and orange hair yelled. "RAHHH!!", the boy with blue and back hair yelled. "Um, excuse me.", Tanjiro says. The two stop and pause. "W-Who are you?", the boy with yellow and orange hair asks. "I am Tanjiro Kamado!", Tanjiro says. "And you?" "I-I'm Zenitsu Agatsuma!", the boy with yellow and orange hair says. "And I'm Inosuke Hashibira!!!", the boy with blue and black hair says. "Nice to meet you!", Tanjiro says. "Wait. Aren't you the d-demon everyone's been talking about? You know the one with the umbrella?", Zenitsu asks. "Well, yes but-" "AHHHHHHHHH!!", Zenitsu screams. "PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! DON'T EAT ME, I TASTE TERRIBLE! I DON'T WANNA DIEEEEEEEEEE!", Zenitsu says, crying and begging on his knees to Tanjiro. "I HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN MARRIDED YET! I WANNA GET MARRIED, SO PLEASE SPARE MEEEEEEE!!!!!!" "EAT ME YOU DARE!!", Inosuke says, putting his fists up. Tanjiro begins to laugh. Zenitsu and Inosuke give Tanjiro confused expressions. Tanjiro stops laughing. "Sorry, but I never eat demon slayers!", Tanjiro says. "Oh, that's a relief!", Zenitsu says. "Zenitsu! Inosuke! Its time for you total concentration breathing constant training!", Aoi says, with the six children behind her. "Papa!", Gima says. He runs and hugs Tanjiro's right leg. "A-Are those-" "Oh, this are my children. Not really, they are children I found after eating victims.", Tanjiro says. "Come on kids, let your father explore. And you two need to come train!", Aoi says. "Thank you, Aoi. ", Tanjiro says. "No problem!", Aoi says.

 3 Hours Later, The Butterfly Mansion

After a tour around the corps with Rengoku (cause I have no fucking clue what the names of certain locations are), Tanjiro walks around the Butterfly Mansion, after getting a couple meals. As he walks he sees a boy, saddened. The boy is sitting down, by a tree. "Are you ok?", Tanjiro asks. "Tch. That's none of your concern. Now piss off.", the boy says. "You remind me of someone.", Tanjiro says, sitting. "What part of piss off do you not understand?!", the boy says. "Oh! You remind me of Sanemi!", Tanjiro says. "You only have one scar, and black hair, and black eyes, but you have same what similar eyes!" "Your not going to go away are you?", the boy says. "And of course I remind you of Sanemi. He's my...big brother." "I feel bad.", Tanjiro says. "For?", the boy asks. "What you and Sanemi had to go through.", Tanjiro says. "How do you know that?!", the boy asks. "My sense of smell. It can smell backstory and a lot more.", Tanjiro says. "Anyway.", the boy says, trying to change the subject. "What's your name?" "Oh, excuse my manners. I'm Tanjiro Kamado.", Tanjiro says. "Genya Shingazawa", the boy says. "So, why were you sad?", Tanjiro asks. "Its that my brother...doesn't want me here.", Genya says. "He tells me that I should leave the corps because I can't even use a sword." "You know he's doing it for your own good right?", Tanjiro asks. "What?", Genya says. "He wants to protect you. He cares about you very, very much and wants to have a normal life away from demons.", Tanjiro says. "Really? He told you that?", Genya says. "No, I got that from his scent.", Tanjiro says. "How do you have such a good sense of smell anyway?", Genya asks. "Well I'm a demon so...", Tanjiro says, a bit scared. "Relax, I won't hurt you.", Genya says. "But I have a bit of a condition." "A condition?", Tanjiro asks. "Yea. I have the ability to eat demons. By doing so I gain their abilities.", Genya says. "Oh, really?", Tanjiro asks. Tanjiro pulls out a piece of hair. "I want to see this.", Tanjiro says, curious. Genya eats the piece of hair and his eyes become demon like. "Damn.", Genya says. "I can smell everything!" "Cool, right?", Tanjiro says. "Hell yeah!", Genya exclaims. "Hey, Tanjiro!" "Tanjiro looks around and finds Zenitsu and Inosuke. "Oh hey guys!", Tanjiro says. "Genya? I thought you were out on a mission.", Zenitsu says. "Eh, a change of plans.", Genya says. "The sun's going down in a bit.", Tanjiro says. "Cool!!", Inosuke says. The four watch as the sun goes down. When nightfall hits, Tanjiro takes down his umbrella. "So, are we friends now?", Tanjiro asks. "Yeah!!", Inosuke says. "O-Ok.", Zenitsu says. "Yea.", Genya says. The four watch the stars for a bit. Then they walk and talk their way into their rooms at the Butterfly Mansion and go to bed.

The Next Day, The Butterfly Mansion

Tanjiro's POV

I walk around the Butterfly Mansion, in search of my new friends. I suddenly see a girl, standing with butterflies and let the butterflies rest on her finger. She had black hair, lilac pink eyes, and pink and green butterfly holding her ponytail in place. Her wore the slayer uniform, with a skirt instead of pants, with white and tan shoes and a white cloak over her uniform. She had a warm smile on her face.



Ok, I decided not to put TanKana in, sorry!

Shout Out Time!




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