Lustful moans filled the room. Clothes thrown everywhere. The room was hot. The windows fogged up. The bed was rocking.

"T-this interview I-is going w-well."

The woman couldn't speak. She was enjoying the sex to much.

"I'm m-make sure to take good care of you..."

"T-thank you daddy!" The girl scream as she reached her climax.

She woke up screaming. She looked around and saw her boyfriend walking out the shower.

"You okay babe?"

"Y-yeah, I just had a nightmare."


She caught her breath.

"You getting ready for work?"


She got out of bed. She was thinking about her dream. She was cheating on her boyfriend in her dream.

"I'm going get ready for my interview."

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot about that." He look at his girlfriend. "What's the job again?"

"Babe, how could you forget. It's for my favorite fashion company."

"I'm joking. I remember."

"Good luck."


The Woman walked into the bathroom.

"I'm going make breakfast then headout."

"Okay!" She replied as she started the shower.


"Do I have to be in this interview?"

"Yes. You wanted a personal stylist."

The guy rolled his eyes.


"When is this interview?"

"We have four. The last one is at 3."

"Hmmm. okay."

"Angela you can bring in the first person."

The girl left and someone walked in.

"Hello my name is Alice."

"No." The guy said harshly

"She didn't even tell us anything."

"She's too perky."

Alice looked upset.

"I'm so sorry. We will be in touch."

The girl left.

"Marc, you can't do that."


"Jasmine, The next person is here."

"Send them in."

A girl walked in. She had a yellow dress, with a belt around her waist. Red lipstick, that was perfectly put on.

Marc smiled at the woman.

"Tell us your name." Marc said

The girl instantly recognized him from her dream.

"My name is Erica. Erica Richardson."

"You think you can something for me to stand out?"

The young woman gulp.


"I like your confidence."

Jasmine sensed something between them.

"I safe to say you got the job, as Marc personal stylist."

"Really?" Erica smiled

"Yeah. Marc will give you a personal interview to get to know you better."

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