Chapter 1

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Mom can you tell us how you and dad met said Hamato.
Yeah mom tell us how you met dad said sicily.
Okay kids I'll tell you the story on how i met your father said Momo.
Yay both kids said.
It began a long time ago I was on my way to UA and then all of sudden a villains try to attack me said Momo.
I can't believe I am going to UA said Momo
Has Momo was walked in the street suddenly villains appeared out of nowhere
Is this her said villain 1.
Yeah this her the yaoyorozu Heir said villain 2
Well you idiot's don't you stand around get her said villain 1.
Somebody help me said Momo.
Has Momo was screaming for help all of sudden a flash of green Lightning appeared
What are you doing to her said Deku.
Walk away kid and maybe we won't kill you said villain 1.
Attempting to kidnap this girl I say you earned this ass whooping said Deku.
Has the group of villains charged straight at him Deku clinch his fist and said
Smash said Deku.
The villains get knocked out and runaway scared of deku
Let's get out here said villain 2.
Are you okay said Deku.
I am fine thank you for saving me can ask what your name is said Momo.
Of course my name is Izuku Midoriya but most people call me Deku and your welcome said Deku.
Thank you Izuku my name is Momo Yaoyorozu said Momo.
Wow I didn't know dad save you from a group of villains said sicily.
My favorite part was when dad showed up and kicked those villains butts said Hamato.
Yes kids that how me and your father met but it's time for bed said Momo.
Aww come on mom let's hear more of the story both kids said Momo just smiles
I'll tell you the rest of the story tomorrow go to sleep said Momo.

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