Chapter 6

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Cadence eyed me with a look of disgust. I replied to the look with a look that said "Bite me!" and smirked in triumph. She silently gasped and gave me a dirty look, but I smiled on, knowing that she was definitely jealous. Shining Armor had left her about 15 years ago after he realized she wouldn't ever grow old, and he would. He literally packed his bags and left the castle without a word. He only left a note on the bed, and Cadence was crushed. She'd been looking for a spouse ever since. I, on the other hoof, had been happily coupled with Eagle for close to 11 years, and there was no end in sight. Luna tried looking for love, but no stallion appealed to her. But she did like this one mare...
Having one gay pony in the castle was bad enough for my mother, but her sister was too much. She said that if Luna didn't like stallions, then she would just have to wait until she did. Luna never forgave her for that. She ended up marrying the mare, but I haven't heard anything after.
My mother was homophobic, and she absolutely did not approve of Eagle and I being together. She stared him down with a fire in her eyes, but lately it hasn't worked on him. He would always joke, "Good to see you too, Mom!" and it always won Luna an Cadence over. Never knew why, though.

"Hey, mom! Good to see you!" Eagle joked, but was received with a scowl. I huffed at her, annoyed with this homophobia dung.
"Mom, that's enough! Why won't you accept the fact that this stallion may just be your future son-in-law!" I snapped.
"I won't bless the marriage," she said flatly, not taking her eyes off of Eagle.
"I would," the gunmetal grey stallion spoke up.
"You didn't raise him-" my mother started.
"Because you never let me!" The stallion interrupted. "All I wanted was to have a relationship with my son, but you shut me out of his life and banned me from the castle!"
Celestia shifted her glare to the stallion, my father I guessed, and he stared her down, unafraid.
I was dumbfounded. This was my father? Why did my mother ban him from the castle! So many questions were flying through my brain at the same time, an I hadn't noticed my heart rate had increased. "Enough! Gearhead is getting nervous!" Luna boomed. I felt emotional and betrayed.
"Y-you LIED to me!" I shouted at Celestia, who recoiled. "You said he abandoned you when I was born!"
Celestia looked at her hooves and sighed. "I didn't want to hurt you," she said softly.
I was outraged by this point. "You didn't want to HURT ME?! By deleting half of my bloodline and making me feel alone and lost for 20 years, you call THAT not hurt?!" I screeched. I haven't been this angry in my life, but all my anger was being vented out, and it felt good.

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