•Part Six•

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He is another part!

Third person POV:

It had been a week since Y/n had got there. And it was the day before they left with Alice. The week they had spent with her dads side of the family was fun. They had a sad feeling in them, thinking about how they would have to leave at the end of the summer.

"Heyyy, y/n." Alice longed her sentence. Y/n new that whenever Alice longed her sentence she either need something from them, or their help. "What do you need?" "I was wondering if you have any paper?" Alice asked the person sitting on the air mattress. "Yea why?" "Oh nothing just asking, so I can borrow some." They pulled out a sketch book that was in the bag next to her. Then ripped a piece out. "Here." Y/n giving the paper to Alice. "Thanks" she said before running out of the room.

After awhile of doing nothing and just listening to music, Y/n had decided to go to bed.

Alices POV:

I had been outside smoking with Arnie ( I believe that's his name) when I decided that I should go to sleep. I had enter my room seeing y/n asleep, the radio still going, and the lights still on. "Oh y/n" I said under my breath not trying to wake them. I had turned everything off and changed into some comfortable clothes. I got in my bed falling right as I hit it.

—The next day—

Y/n POV:

I had woke up by a big loud buzzing noise. Ughh. I hate that fucking loud alarm clock. I had just sat up and look at Alice and see they were still sound asleep. I got up and went to shake her up. "Alice wake up, you got to get your lazyass up." I tell her while shaking her up. "What the fuck? I'm trying to sleep." "Well I'm trying not to be late." I say with a annoyed tone. "Well someone's not a morning person." She says sitting up. I roll my eyes and just get some clothes out and put them on.

I was wearing a green tank top with some orangish colour shorts and some jewelry.

—Once they leave—

I walk onto the bus Alice in front of me. She finds her way to the back of the bus. Next to this guy? I seen him around with her before. I think it her friend Arnie? There was no other seat beside this one girl with bright gingered hair, and wearing a royal blue shirt and some denim shorts. "Hey can I sit here?" " Yea sure I don't mind." I nod and sit down taking out the book I had been reading for the past two weeks. "Hey You're reading Carrie?" "Yea! My friend Will suggested I should read it so I am!" I say to the girl. "Oh cool I've read before though, it's a really good book." She adds. "So what's your name.?" She asks turn her body a little towards me. "Y/n! You?" "Call me Ziggy."

Me and ziggy have been taking the whole ride. After awhile she asks me this, "Hey why haven't I seen you around Shadyside at all?" "Oh that's because I don't live hear. I'm from California! My dad lives here with my aunt and cousin." Telling Ziggy. "Oh, so who's your cousin?" "Oh it Alice! Do you know here?" I ask her. "Uh yea, I do. My sister you to be friends, but I guess not anymore. She went all Sunnyvale on us, and has been a bitch ever since." I sigh in response. We look at each other for a while trying to think of things to ask. Then I asked her this. "I'm just wondering. Why you guys hate Sunnyvalers so much? I mean you're the third person to shit on them." The girl was kinda surprised at my question. "Are you kidding me? They think there all better then us, just cause they have daddy's money, all off them are preppy little bitches who think they can treat us like shit." Ziggy said with anger in her voice. "Oh? Well sorry, I didn't kno-" "Oh no, it's fine. You don't need to apologize, but it's a good thing you know. Now you can steer clear of them." "Okay."

—Once they get there—

We had just arrived at camp nightwing. I saw there was a bus already there. "Guess they got hear already." Saying under my breath.
Once we got off me and Ziggy headed to the mess hall, which was where you get your cabin number.

We had got to the front of the line. I had looked at the guy in front of us, and immediately recognized him. He was the guy from the gas station. "Hi welcome, I need your last names please." He spoke. "Berman, and?" Ziggy looking at me. "Oh um- W-Woods." I stuttered out. "Okay, you both are in cabin five." He said. "If you need anything come to me. I'm Nick, Nick Goode." "Yeah no. I'd go to Cindy for something then you." Ziggy spat back at him. She then grab my had and dragged my out of there.

We had gotten to our cabin and unpacked all our stuff. I had been thinking about what happened in the mess hall, and then decided to ask Ziggy who exactly was stay. "Hey, so who was the guy back there again?" "Nick Goode. King of Sunnyvale and the guy who can suck a dick." She said with a angered tone. "Okay, well I think I've seen him before. At a convenient store." Looking back at her. She nods and tells me this. She had finish unpacking and heading to the door."Listen I don't control your life, but I'd warn you not to like him. He's not worth it." She says before walking out.

Well it's to late for that

Yea this is where I end this part. Did not prof read:/ I'll do it tomorrow. I didn't think it would be this long but oh well.

Word count: 1027

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