Visting parents ( Part 3)

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It was morning again. The sun is approaching Nathalie face. She slowly open her eyes and try to get up. A strong arm grab her and she blush seeing who it was. Gabriel was still sleeping, next to her. Nathalie tried again but she failed.
"5 more minutes please.." Gabriel groaned. Nathalie giggled and go back to bed.

Adrien run in their bedroom and jump in their bed.
"Wake up, guys! Miss Adeline make pancakes with milk!" Both of the adults jump when they noticed something heavy on them.
"Oh, my parents are awake already? Is already-"
"10!" Nathalie was cutoff by Adrien.
"Oh, well lets change and get prepared Gabriel!" He nodded and Adrien leaved them alone.
"Erh, i will go in the other room to change.." Gabriel said blushing. Nathalie blushed too and nodded.

They were ready for a new day and walk into the kitchen.
"Goodmorning! We wait both of you to eat, cmon seat down!" Marc said laughing. They start eating until Adeline talk.
"Nath, why dont you show the two Agrestes the lake where you spend almost all your childhood? If Adrien want can go swim in there, but just if the water is clean and dont have trash or you know.." Nathalie start laughing, knowing what she mean.
"Of course im gonna show them! Adrien, in any case tale a pair of shorts with you ok?" Adrien nodded at Nathalie words.

They were done eating and get prepared for a little "trip".
"You would like to go with the car? I wish we could walk to show you some places i was playing when i was a kid" Nathalie said.
"Well is it far?" Gabriel asked
"Not really,we will make 30 minutes but is gonna be ok" Both of the boys nodded.
They leaved, following Nathalie. It was hot day, so it was kinda difficult to stay outside.

Nathalie stoped and pointed to an old little house.
"You know..In that little house me, my cousin and my friend spend our nights in there. We usually said stories and memories, watching the cows going on their way home! I miss them.." She said having tears in her eyes. Gabriel slowly put his hand on her waist and hug her. Adrien smiled at them.

"Sorry guys! Oh look we are almost there. Lets go" Nathalie said. They arrived. It was a beautiful blue lake, having cows and kids around, looking exactly like an village lake. Adrien was fascinated, wanting to meet other children there. He asked his father if he can go, and Gabriel let him. Nathalie and Gabriel set down, on a rock.

"So..I wanted to talk with you after what happened between you and your father" Gabriel said.  Nathalie nodded.
"You said you have a man in your mind, can i know who is it?" Gabriel asked, almost yelling.
'Is you idiot' Nathalie thought.
"Oh, uh why you want to know hm? You are jealous?" She said smirking at him. Gabriel blushed and denied.
"The man i have in my mind, is tall, beautiful, smart, evil" Nathalie said giggling.
"So its me?" Gabriel asked again. Nathalie was speechless. She didnt realized what she said minute ago.

She couldn't tell him. He want Emilie right? Or he doesn't anymore? What if he start liking her after such a long time? Nathalie was lost in thoughts. They were staring at eachother. Gabriel got closer to her, and Nathalie did the same. They could feel their breath on eachother noses. Nathalie needed to kiss this man now. And she did. Gabriel felt Nathalie soft lips press against his and he kissed back. They didnt care if anyone is gonna see them. Gabriel grabbed her waist to put her on his lap. Nathalie broke the kiss and said:

"Dont be to excited now.." She said smirking. "And yes! You are the man of my dreams"

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