Part 1

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Note. To Lynn, AmyFatal and Annie. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face.




"Stupid trash."

Thump thump.

"Oh, God, You're such a shitty car!"

I screamed , confused and mad as I looked at the key. empty Boxes of take outs on the floor. my bag in the seat next to me.

I growl and hit the steering wheel , again out of anger. Turning the key for the hundred time, I sigh at the car still ,still no life.

No sound, no nothing. I close my eyes shut and inhale a big drag of air, before slowly letting it out. After calming down a little bit, I tried again and finally she started back up. placing both hands on the wheel I cried out a yes, before turning out from the little side space of the road .

turning my blinker on I stepped on the gas and drove back home.

Don't stop, don't stop...

I finally got home after swearing I would get rid of this car if it stopped one more time that day.


my first official morning in my new place,

It was a gorgeous apartment: spacious rooms, wood floors, arched doorways—I was aching to put things in the windowsill . I just had to buy something to put it there first.

I'd spent yesterday moving in, and after taking a long hot shower , I settled myself into bed

My new home, my own place, sigh...

I unfolded my legs and padded to the sink to rinse out my coffee mug. Placing it in the sink to drain, I pushed my dark brown hair back into a ponytail and looked at the chaos around me . I should have written more down then my name on those boxes, mom was right,as always .

Oh well. "What do we have in box number one?" I say out loud,to no one then myself. and start unboxing.

About twenty minutes later I Heard a weird but knowing buzz sound, coming from the halway .

I got up from the floor and walked over to the ,what was it called again, incom something? Pressing a button and holding it down for a bit, I waited curious to whom was coming. After a bit, I heard someone coming up the stairs and I opened the door. Looking out I smile when I see one of my best friends face come into view. Carrying a big plant in her hands, I chuckled.

" Food, a bottle of wine. anything but a plant." I say as I hold up the door more for her.

"Ha ha. Funny," Hanna answered, getting inside

"What the hell is that? You know I always end up killing living stuff."

"Calm down, you ungrateful bitch." She said looking around and then set the plant down,by the couch.

Rolling my eyes, I shut the door and lock it before I raise an eyebrow at the plant. It was green and big.

"What the hell is that?" I ask again, staring at it. god she knows it will die soon,in my care.

" It's a cactus , a Rat tale or something." Hanna says smiling as she looks around the plase.

"You're giving me a rat tail flower?" I say slowly, staring at the cactus flower thing. Is she insane?

" Oh Quite moping .". She laughed, lying down on the couch and placing her arms over her face dramatically.

I sighed and moved my head every way possible. thinking it may look better from another side....nope still weird as hell.

Hanna looks at me with a grin. " It's a starting point, you know, for later." She says smug

I look back at her with a shut up look and she laughs.

"Don't worry, it's a desert plant. you won't kill it." Hanna says true giggles . I shake my head and slap her not too hard,on her but.making her laugh harder.

Hanna has blonde hair that ends right under her chest, brown eyes, hourglass short of figure,good side breasts,thin legs,small feet and a cute face. Me you ask? I have short brown hair , brown eyes glasses, same body figure, only I have a bit more chest and feet then hers.

We are around the same height and age. Short but crazy, you can say.

Then Hanna stands up and starts helping me with unboxing. It took some time,well.... maybe a bit more than we thought.

After finally getting the bathroom and bedroom done. Was it so late that we went to bed,after ordering in some dinner from a nearby place.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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