Chapter 1 - The Start

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Adrien was hurting, everyone was disappointed in him or wanted something from him but most of the time it was both. Every day he would go through the motions - get up, get dressed, do whatever father wanted him to do, and then back to bed - every single day nothing more or less.

He was expected to show no emotion, to be the perfect child, to look and act perfect. He would give the whole world just to be free, to explore the outside world rather than being cooped up in his fathers empty, cold mansion that he was supposed to call home.

Adrien watched the outside world from his window. Below a group of girls with a boy walked past the gate happily talking, enjoying the outside world, a world that he wanted to experience himself. He had seen this certain group of friends multiple times already, once when he was modeling and twice from the windows of his home.

He even gave them names and pretended they were his friends. There was Ladybug. He knew that was not her actual name but Ladybug, who wore lots of Ladybug clothing, so the name kinda stuck. She had beautiful bluebell eyes and dark black hair that he'd only seen in an updo.

He had fallen hard for the girl the moment he saw her walking with her friends in the park where the shoot was. When he pretended that they were friends, that she was his soulmate and girlfriend no doubt a humongous upgrade from his own girlfriend, Lila who his dad made him date.

Then there was Carapace. He usually wore green and had short brown hair that for some reason he always hid behind a bright red cap, he also always wore headphones around his neck. When Adrien imagined them hanging out he would always be talking out his music or how great his own girlfriend was.

Then there was Rena Rouge. She always wore a fox necklace that complimented her complexion. She always had a different hair style every time he saw her, she also was always holding carepace's hand making him think/hope they where a couple. They did seem cute and amazing together.

Adrien could daydream for hours about what it would be like to hang out with them and hopefully one day actually meet them but so far he could only stare out of a window wishing to be outside with them.

He remembered one time he actually tried to run away and go to school. This was after the first time he saw them, Rena Rouge was wearing a shirt that said, Francoise Dupont, where he assumed they went to school at. His first and only attempt to make friends with them, he only made it a few steps up the stairs before he was grabbed by Natalie and taken back home never to see the school ever again.

Suddenly he heard a knock at the door startling him out of his thoughts. "Come in", he said loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear him.

"Your father would like to talk to you", a female voice said from behind him, no doubt that it was Natalie who was talking and staring at him, probably not even blinking, sending shivers down his spine just from the thought.

Adrien turned around from the window stealing one more glance at the friend group. "Yes, Natalie", he said, facing her and walking toward the door. His posture as he walked was nothing but perfect, he passed Natalie and exited his room to only enter an empty hallway. Adrien new Natalie was following him, watching him, making sure he acted perfectly even in the comfort of his own house.

He stopped at his fathers office and knocked on the door waiting for his father to let him in. He heard a muffled, "come in" from the other side. He opened the door and walked in, finding his father sitting at his desk. His father gestured to him to take a seat. Adrien complied, never taking his eyes off his father nor did he.

"Adrien, what is your soul mark?", his father never asked about his soul mark thank goodness.

"It's a sketch pad with a cat chasing a ladybug. There are also bursts of colors around it",, Adrien said, confused why his father was asking him this.

"And where is it?" Asoul mark was where your lover first touched you. His was in a rather embarrassing spot rather than the usual marks on people's hands his was on the middle of his back.

"On my back" he told his father, making him cock an eyebrow making Adrien look down and blush like crazy.

"I see there has been a rising report of people saying that you are there soulmate I've decided that we need you to find your actual soulmate to stop these reports". His heart fluttered. He would finally find his other half but he already new who he wished to be his soulmate, Ladybug. It even matched his soul mark they were bound to be together.

"Thank you, father", Adrien beamed with excitement rushing through him.

"Don't thank me yet. You are to have your bodyguard with you at all times and I will only let wander around who I know from your 8th Birthday Party", Mr. Agreste said making Adrien scrunch his eyebrows together. He would turn eighteen in two weeks that wasn't a lot of time to find his soulmate when most people had years to find their soulmate.

"I understand," Adrien said, suppressing a smile trying not to show any emotion just like his father was doing now.

"You may leave", and with that Adrien left for his room. As soon as he shut the door he ran to his closet picking out clothing he wanted to wear, not what he was told to. It would be exciting to wear something other than grey and black dress cloths it was something his cousin, Felix, would willingly wear but if Adrien could desire he would wear jeans and a t-shirt everyday.

Tomorrow he was going to be free, he was going to get friends and most importantly prove that Ladybug was indeed his soulmate.

I originally had a thought of making a really depressed Adrien story and Marinette saving him but then I also wanted to do a soulmate AU and maybe have a human kwami mixed in with it but I'm still debating on that. I hope you liked it and I'm open to all suggestions and advice on writing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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