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Ramesses P.O.V
Loud chatter is heard arround me but I'm to lost to focus, this day has gone by in a blur. Granted it was happy, I still felt like I wasn't true. I married nefertari, the woman I had loved for the longest time! Nothing could ruin this for me.
I turn and see her standing next to me mingling with one of her friends. Not that much to look at for sure. But out of all the woman I had met no one could compare to nefertari, at least on looks alone. A lot of people were better in the inside than she was. You see she has what I like to call, a strong opinion of herself. And it usually gets her into trouble.
I look at the banquet hall, a long hallway with soaring pillars, drapes and lights gracing the ceiling the room was truly beautiful.
Being poked and brought back to reality I see nefertari making a toast. She walks up to her throne and taps her wine goblet.
" friends, family, and esteemed guest. Might I say how happy I am to Grace you all as your new queen." She starts. I sigh rubbing my temples. I can already tell this isn't going to end well. " I swear it will be my pleasure to help all those who stand beneath me in this new period of my life. " I hear a few grumbles arround the room and walk up standing beside her.
" what my wife means to say is we cannot wait to let this kingdom grow and prosper as we all stand together under Ra's mighty gaze. To the gods!" I say stopping her from upsetting anymore people
She gets the hint and shuts up walking down the stairs back to the crowd. I can tell that a lot of people are happy I am married, they just wish it was someone else as their queen. I look at my new bride. She's thin, blessed with breast and butt. Has a thin upper lip and plump lower lip. Olive colored skin. A symmetrical face. Shoulder length chocolate hair that's braided and has gold beads added in.
I walk up and place a large hand on the small of her back and she jolts. " my Pharaoh" she says giving a small bow and gives me lustful eyes, and everyone does as well. " as I was saying my queen, you are just as beautiful as Nefertiti and she was said to be the most beautiful woman in the world" says one of the woman visibly a bit drunk. She clutches onto her husbands arm to keep her balance. Nefertari is in a similar state.
" I do believe I am just as beautiful as she was. In fact the goddess hathor must have made me exactly in her godly image!" She continues a few laugh but a few suddenly look uncomfortable, it's true that I did not believe in the gods but it's still disrespectful to say your almost equal. " well you must be her reincarnated" says a man looking at her. I send him a cold glare and he clears his throat clearly uncomfortable. " well i just might agree with you!" She says a bit louder and a few people look over. " I must be even more beautiful than Hathor herself, or maybe hathor is just as plain as a human!" I give a weak chuckle and hand her a glass of wine to shut her up.
I look at my goblet in my hand and seem to zone out looking at my reflection. A firm stone cut face, it almost looked chiseled. dark hazel almond shaped eyes were thickly lined with kohl and thick full eyebrows. It's true that many women desired me, I liked to think of myself as the best looking of my brothers. In almost every way I was perfect. Almost.
Suddenly pulled from my thoughts the lights sweep out and the room is cast into darkness. Women scream and soldiers sweep the room everyone stands with panic and Nefertari clings to me like a child, whimpering and pressing close.
Suddenly I see images in my head. Men clutching over babbling nonsense bile spilling from their mouths as their eyes glaze over, women tearing their cloths and running with a crazed look in there eyes, children slowly turning into animals with looks that were terrified. I suddenly feel like I'm losing everything. Who am I? I try to remember and clutch my head, eyes almost out of their sockets. People around me start panicking and attacking each other. I can't seem to remember! Them suddenly a voice speaks into the chaos
" Nefertari, for your pride and greed the gods have cursed you. See how your disrespect for the gods have turned the others around." The female voice is stern, yet loose and flowing like the sound of the Nile. I stare through my madness in awe of the voice. Nefertari races to a mirror and sighs when sees nothing has changed in her appearance. " what type of curse is this" she says laughing clearly thinking that this was a joke. " what would kill me the most would be being deformed" she cackles at this and grabs my arm to steady herself.
"There is one more thing. Remember wounds on the outside can heal. Wounds on the inside, now those will be left like a handprint on your heart and mine, or at least whatever little you have of those if any." The voice says softly.
Suddenly nefertari's face falls. " a women with hair as white as moonstone and eyes as pale as the shallow shores of the Nile will destroy the marriage you have fought so hard for Nefertari, will steal the pharaohs heart from your clutches and will destroy Egypt in her wake. This is the price of your words." suddenly the voice goes silent and the lights filter back on. All crazy thoughts that I had have disappeared along with everyone else's. I remember everything and feel as though I have snatched back what was rightfully mine. " what happened?" Asked someone. " all I remember were the lights turning off! The rest is blank.," says another. People around us nod and compose themselves. " did no one hear the voice?!" I ask completely shocked.  " my majesty are you alright?" Asks nefertari. I can tell she's hiding her fear and her eyes show that she heard it as well. " nothing. To much wine." I say at last and she sighs clearly relived that no one heard other than her. " I am retiring with lady nefertari for the evening. All are welcome to enjoy the rest of the banquet" I say pulling nefertari with me. She seems nervous yet excited and I can't help but think a few things. Who is the mystery woman of the gods? Surely I won't fall for someone like that. Completely preposterous. I'll worry on that tomorrow. Tonight I have a duty to nefertari my REAL love and my country. But a thought hits my head as I close my door. Is she my real love?
Prologue done! Y'all ever make a character and already hate them?
That's me with nefertari
Allow me to just 🤮
anyway don't forget to share comment and check back daily. I will try To put out one chapter a day and am welcome to all suggestions, ideas, grammatical errors etc. please comment tho. It makes this awesome process just that much better. Keep in touch!!!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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