Was it a Dream or a Memory or Are They the Same Thing

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"Do you do anything else than play the piano?" a quiet voice asked.

"Yes, I play bandy (hockey) in the winter," I stated without even looking up from the sheet music.

"Are those the only things you do? Play the piano and play bandy?" she once again asked but with clear irritation.

"Yes I don't know how to do anything else," I said, this time looking up at her but I only saw a shadow of the girl that was meant to be there.

"Well you can learn to do something else or at least try something else," she explained.

"What can I learn and who would teach me?" I asked, "I already have learned a lot with my tutors. Stupid stuff so what other stupid stuff should I learn?"

"Why don't you learn to figure skate?" she advised, "I could even teach you how to?"

"I will never be caught figure skating! And if I did want to figure skate, I wouldn't want you to teach me! Now leave me alone L-!"

"Schroeder!" a voice shouted.

I jumped from my seat at the sudden disturbance.

"I'm awake, I'm awake!" I yelled back.

"Oh good, we've arrived at the cottage we will be staying in," the voice that woke me up informed me.

"Thank you uhhh," I began to say while rubbing my eyes. I blinked a few times and saw the one who woke me up. My childhood friend, Charlie Brown. Everything that had happened during the last few weeks came rushing into my mind.

"Thank you, Charlie Brown," I thanked him.

We quickly got up and grabbed our luggage heading towards the cottage. Even though we were the eldest sons of wealthy families, we did not make our servants do simple tasks such as carry our luggage, and make our beds when we have time. We had been doing this ever since we met a young boy during our childhood. Our dear friend, a boy around our age who called himself Snoopy. No one from our friend group really knew even if the name Snoopy was his real name and when he was born. Yet he was one of our closest friends. Back then the line between the wealthy and the poor did not exist to a child. It was just a bit of luck and the innocence of a child that had allowed our close-knit friendship to begin. Snoopy was a friend that helped us escape from the pressures our families would place on us. He'd make us laugh with his silly stunts and played with us. Snoopy was the one who introduced me to bandy. Snoopy would always ask for food from Charlie Brown. And Snoopy was infatuated and loved to tease, who was it, a yes Lu-

"Watch out, Schoeder!" Charlie Brown yelled.

But it was too late, I slipped and went flying down the stairs taking Charlie Brown down with me. With a loud crash, once again we were at the bottom of the stairs.

"Schoeder, what's up with you today?" Charlie Brown asked in a strained voice. I had landed right on top of him, crushing him.

I quickly scurried back onto my feet. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked worried that I may have hurt him.

"No," he grunted, "I am fine. But are you fine Schroeder, you usually aren't this clumsy?"

"Sorry," I began to help him up, "I was just distracted with my thoughts."

"May I know what thoughts caused you to crush me?" Charlie Brown asked as he made his way back upstairs with a small limp and his hand on his back. I certainly hurt his back.

"Well childhood memories were what caused you such pain," I answered his question.

He laughed.

"My childhood caused me much pain. Who knew even the thought of my childhood as well could cause me pain," he said.

"Our childhood was not that bad. Don't be dramatic," I chuckled as we made our way up the stairs.

"Oh, but it was," Charlie Brown began to explain in a playful voice. It was obvious he was joking. "Do you not remember Schroeder, the disaster of our childhood? How we could never win a game of bandy or stoolball (baseball). We were basically the failures of our community. Oh, Schroeder do you not remember. Do you not remember Lucy, oh she made my life miserable," he began his tragic backstory. He stopped and looked dead into my eyes.

We both burst out laughing.

"Oh, Charlie Brown you sure do know how to make me laugh," I thanked him.

"Anytime Schroeder, anytime at all," he said.

We said goodnight to each other and made our way towards our rooms.

As I got ready for bed, I was in deep thought. When Charlie Brown mentioned Lucy I was immediately thrown back into my childhood. But though I have tried so hard to push her out of my mind, I could not. That bossy, crabby little girl could never leave me alone when I was a child and now when I am all grown up.

Would she be here? Would she come back to England?

What am I thinking? Why do I want her to come back? It must be because of Linus. Yes, I must associate Linus with Lucy. When Lucy was around Linus was not far behind always. I just want to see an old friend, not that little girl.

I told myself that as I drifted off to sleep. And in my sleep I found myself playing the piano. I look up and I see her. Her round childish face with short black hair with a small curl at the end. Her eyes were closed, what was the color of her eyes? She swayed to the music I played with a smile on her face.

That girl liked it when I played the piano...

Author's Note: The plot is slowly moving forward let's see what happens next. And please forgive me for making Snoopy a human.

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