You can't hide forever...

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Author: hey quick note please ignore the demon eyes on the pic there's meant to be green! Ps thanks for reading!

Rose's POV: Me and Alex managed to get out un-noticed by Al and Ashton, once we were outside Alex turned to me and I just knew what he was going to say...
A: The Cove?
R: The Cove
And with that we set off at a run into the woods until we reached our cove by the river that ran through it. Once we reached our cove we sat down and caught our breath before giggling like 5 year olds!! 😝
A: that was ridiculous!
R: I know right!
A: what happened between you two?
R: well Al is dating-
A: no not between you and Al.... Between you and that Ashton guy?
R: oh.....
A: soooooo?
R: it's a long story
A: we've got time
R: it all started a few years ago....

"Mickey come on you can't be late for your OWN band party!" God no matter how dear my brother is he still takes FOREVER!! "I'm coming I'm coming! Geez! Calm down!" Oh he knows that I can't!! "I can't I need to see Ashyyyy!" Saying that got me some disgusted looks from Mickey which doesn't surprise me but he's coming around to liking me and Ash as a couple!

He finally came down and as he did I shot out the door and too my car, eager to see Ash and tell him my incredible news!... He is going to be a dad! Now I know we're only young but we're ready I mean we're getting married soon as well! We finally got there after about half an hour I got out and dashed into the mansion to find Ashton, once I did I dragged him upstairs and into a spare room
A: woah Rose! Why the hurry?
R: big news!
A: what big news?
R: yourgonnabeadad!
A: bit slower?
R: your gonna be a dad!
A: .....
R: say something.... please..... pretty please
A: your... your... we're gonna be....
R: pregnant yes and parents also yes!
A: oh my god... Is this real?
R: very
A: we're gonna be a proper family!
R: you betcha!
Ash picked me up and spun me around and I giggled and nuzzled my face into his neck once he set me back down on my feet!
A: C'mon let's go celebrate!
R: I can't drink!
A: Right okay well then you okay if I do?
R: yeah sure have fun
That's when everything went wrong... we went downstairs and went to tell everyone, they were all happy and everything was perfect! Then Ash went and got drunk. I was of course still sober and went to find him, once I did my heart was broken beyond all compare! His tongue was down some fake blonde and when they pulled apart, most likely for air, he told her he loved her. Then he turned around and saw me,
A: Shit! Rose ple-
R: DON'T! Just don't, we're through Ashton! You hear me me? We ARE OVER!
And with that I ran out of the house, Ashton, Luke, Mickey and Cal all hot on my tail. But I was faster and got to the car and drove off. I cried for days and days, Mickey didn't talk to Ashton anymore but the other two had to if they wanted to keep the band together. My parents never liked me and when they saw how bad I was they practically forced me to move out! So that was when I moved to New York, after a couple months here I lost the baby and finally took the ring off and dumped it into the ocean and watched it sink deep into the depths of it!

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