Justice For Anya!

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So it's only been a day since Anya's been gone and I already feel like dying my self. I still haven't talked to Amaru and don't plan to either til after court. He's gonna be upset with me but oh fuckin well. When I got home late last night I called Anya's mom and told her the traumatic news it was the hardest thing I had to do in my entire life, she was hysterical when i told her. She's on her way to pick me up so we can go to court together.
*2 hours later*
"Kionna Johnson you are found guilty for first degree murder and are sentenced to life in prison." Said the judge
Anya's family and I started crying tears of joy! That bitch is going to suffer for the rest of her life just like we are! I just feel so bad for her son that he'll have to grow up with no mom but Malcolm seems like a good dude so I wish them the best of luck. After court Anya's mom took me to lunch, she loved me like her own also. We sat and talked about Anya all the memories he had of her funny,crazy ass 😂. Then all the happiness went away as we had to start to plan for her funeral. I'm not ready. Like what am I gonna do? I'm gonna go home to no "hey boo! How was your day nay?" Anymore that's all over. I gotta get outta that apartment cause the memories he had in there are just gonna haunt me. It's time to call Amaru cause I need some comfort.
So it's almost been a 2 days since I heard from my girl and I'm pissed cause I know damn well she seen my calls and text. She better am have a good excuse. Then I finally I get a call, I answer the phone with an attitude.
"Hello man."
But I soften up cause she was hysterical. Crying,crying,crying.
"Slow down baby what's wrong ma?"
"Anya baby. Anya she's gone. I had a bad day yesterday! It was a nightmare!" She explained everything that went down and damnnnnn mannnnnnn. I was in complete shock, that's fucked up Anya was my home girl man. Shit is crazy I'm glad I ain't got no kids I wouldn't want to put any female in a situation where they gotta deal with baby mama drama. I feel bad for my baby Renee, she prolly feel all lonely and shit. I gotta go get her, she gotta stay with me now cause I don't need her staying in that apartment being constantly reminded of Anya there. So imma help her move in with me.

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