LIX | Some People Fight

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Li Wen scratches the girl
across the face.

They're pulling

each other's hair,



on the damp tiled floor.

Through it all,
she doesn't let go

of her brother's hand.

He tries
to help his sister

fend Li Wen off

but gets poked
in the eye

by her elbow.

With renewed strength,
the girl

pulls out

a clump of
Li Wen's hair.

The nurses

are pulling them apart

I get to enjoy

more of the fight.

coat the steamy air

with thick black tar

and their screams

in a shrill climax

like the monsters
from my childhood.

Both girls are panting,

both cursing the other.

Li Wen
is kicking against

the male nurse

holding her back,

at the top of her voice,

'You're a slut!
'Born from a bitch!

'Rich, horh?
'You bribe them one, right?

'Perverted slut!
'You sleep with him, don't you?'

The pretty nurse

stands calmly
like a pillar

amidst the commotion,

to speak to Li Wen.

[Read the full story at!]

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