
101 1 6

Lake#1 added goth gf, shy banana, Bluetooth, emo wizard, frost bite, and, windy deer to the chat

Lake#1- ok why are Codyus, Toby, nick, and De cry!?

Windy deer- wait Nikolaus is cry!?

Goth gf- I don't know

Bluetooth- I should them the movie Luca

Lake#1- you made an alien prince, a half troll, a kid, and the student of a Demi god cry with a movie?!?!?

Bluetooth- yes????

Shy banana- it was so sad!😭😭😭

Windy deer- Nikolaus please answer I'm actually getting worried

Frost bite- they where best friends and they got split up because one waited to go to human school and the other wonted to stay in there village!

Windy deer- what?

Emo wizard- it's the ending of Luca

Goth gf- I love how no one cares skrael of the north wind is in the chat and has a phone

Bluetooth-  that's who windy deer is!?

Lake#1- I only add him because of Nikolaus ok?

Emo wizard- I understand

Shy banana- Luca and Alberto should have gotten together!

Bluetooth- yes!

Goth gf- what if this friend gyros

Lake#1- gyros?

Goth gf- group I ment group

Frost bite- I'm done crying

Shy banana- Nikolaus is on the floor still crying and now it's raining

Bluetooth- oh glob

Emo wizard- this is what you get for giving an emo teen wether magic

Windy deer- 🖕🏻


Emo wizard-😧

Shy banana-😮

Goth gf- why are you all surprised?

Shy banana- the scary deer man put up the no no finger

Emo wizard-🤣


Goth gf- the no no finger!🤣

Shy banana- what?

Bluetooth- it's nothing Codes don't worry

Shy banana- oh ok Nikolaus is off the ground now but it's still raining

Windy deer- I'm come one moment

Windy deer has left the chat

Lake#1- well I think they stopped

Goth gf- I still don't think add skrael was a good idea

Emo wizard, shy banana, and Bluetooth have left the chat

Goth gf- bye

Lake#1- bye

Lake#1 and goth gf left the chat

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