SMG4: Mario's Destiny

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It was nighttime in the Mushroom Kingdom. Almost everybody residing in the Kingdom had long since been asleep; all except for one. The same was true for the neighboring town, Inkopolis.

Last year was rough... a red clad man thought to himself while staring at the ceiling.

Mario Jumpman Mario found it impossible to fall asleep for a multitude of reasons. Whether it be the spaghetti he ate, the excitement of moving into Meggy's apartment the next day, or the fact that Splatfest was coming up.

Every day was the same, I would wake up, eat spaghetti, and just enjoy life.

Away from the Mushroom Kingdom, in a little apartment building, an orange haired girl also found difficulties sleeping. She was lost in her thoughts, which mirrored those of her partner, Mario.

Everyday I would train, and train, and train; like that's all there was to life! That was my life... that is, until that fateful day, she thought to herself, reminiscing the day that she met Mario after being released from the paint can she was trapped in.

Similar thoughts ran rampant in the lover's minds, thinking about how they met, their many adventures, their greatest times... and their darkest memories.

But like I said, last year was rough, Mario and Meggy thought to themselves. Meggy was thinking about her ex-rival turned friend, Desti. Mario, however, was thinking about his dear brother, Luigi. It had only been a month since Luigi had been killed on Anime Island, and the pain was as fresh as the day he had gone.

But this is a new year, and this one belongs to me. Mario and Meggy knew that they had to make the most of their lives, to honor those who had fallen. Mario knew Luigi was looking forward to participating in Splatfest, it was always a highlight of his year. Luigi, unfortunately, never got to participate again.

I swear, I will win this year's Splatfest, for you, Luigi/Desti! With that, Mario and Meggy both found enough peace to go to sleep, awaiting the next day to train one last time before Splatfest.

It was 08:00, and Mario had just woken up to finish packing to move in with his love, Meggy. Packing everything was rigorous, a painful process. After about an hour, Mario was just about done packing when something caught his eye.

"Mama-fucker, that hurts like a... huh?"

What caught his attention was a framed picture of him and Luigi. He just froze there, remembering all of the good times he and Luigi had. He smiled to himself, forgetting about any pain he was in, and carefully tucked the photo into his overall pocket. At long last, Mario was done packing. He couldn't help but feel bittersweet about leaving his childhood home. He looked at the photo again, but it urged him to do something surprising; he sat down on Luigi's old bed one last time. He didn't know what drew him to the bed, he only knew that he had to sit for a minute. He just tilted his head back and thought about Luigi. After he was done reflecting, Mario got up and did something he used to do all the time when they were younger or when Luigi was having a bad day. Whenever Luigi was upset, Mario would comfort him and tuck him into bed; Mario decided to tuck the sheets in, one final time.

"Sleep well, Luigi; I love you," Mario said softly while crying.

Meanwhile, at 08:30, Meggy awoke. She was excited that her boyfriend was finally moving in. She rushed about getting ready for his arrival. She was so focused on re-arranging her house that she almost put her memorial of Desti in a drawer, to be hidden away from the rest of the world. Fortunately, she realized her error just before she put the picture away for good.

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