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Author's note: Hope is released from the hospital a day after because the knife didn't cause any permanent/several damage, only a cool scar. I apologize if the information about medicine isn't as accurate as in real life, I remember you once again that this is just a fanfiction, I hope you enjoy the story!


There were no more excuses to keep Nathalie from going to jail or even another place worse. That was it. The last drop of patience, mercy and even kindness. Adrien tried to show more compassion for her, he really did, he couldn't, not anymore. The fake Emilie drama only made things worse to her side. Despite everything, he felt pity, he wasn't able to send her to a cold, gloomy and dreadful tiny cell in the suburbs of the city. He did what he thought was right, he encouraged her to go to intense therapy. She was physically and intensely emotionally attached to her long lost love. The only solution only seemed to be that, and she agreed with his terms.

Sunday, 13th of February of 2017

Hope still felt a little dizzy after all the medical treatment she received. Finally she was at home resting, with Chloé by her side, brushing her hair strands sluggishly.

"How are you doing?" - she asked.

"Meh. I'll be better, at least I have now a hell of a scar. And if someone asks who did this, I can just say it was an evil senti monster." - commented Hope sarcastically. She cleared her throat remembering about another very important subject they needed to discuss about. "Chloé. Now that you know all this mess including Ladybug and Chat's identities. There's something I need to tell you too." - she shifted, crossing her legs and staring at the Bourgeois girl.

"I'm all ears." - she eyed Hope straightly, awaiting patiently.

"I came from another reality, where this one is a TV show. I basically know some things about the characters and stuff." - she admitted looking low.

Chloé nodded her head hearing the information. "That's all?"

"That's all."

A heavier silence than expected was brought upon the scene. Hope looked briefly at Chloé waiting for a loud discussion about how she had lied to her during all this time. There wasn't any. Chloé didn't break eye contact and exhaled deeply almost knowing exactly what was the auburn girl thinking about.

"So what? You tell me you come from another reality, what do you expect, a biscuit? Or that my feelings for you somehow changed from a second to another? Please Hope, if you told me you're an alien or a drug addict it wouldn't change a thing between us. I'm just glad you told me the truth."

Grinning brightly, Hope felt safer than ever, with only the comfort of the blonde girl with a sassy attitude.


"Should we throw a party after defeating my fake mother? Or maybe a concert? A wedding!"

They were pacifically sitting in Adrien's bedroom. Most of the time, she didn't resemble a word of what he said. That's just the beauty of their relationship, sometimes they didn't understand trough words. Instead the gazes they traded meant much more than only two glances colliding.

Marinette bit her lip, and tried not to laugh. She covered her mouth with her hand slightly. "It's really hard trying not to chuckle when your way to cope with trauma is humor."

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