Yellow is like a warm sunny day

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I am six years old. I am coloring something yellow. The color yellow is like a warm summer day. It tastes like a popsicle half-melted in my mouth. It is my favorite color.

"Josh my favorite color is yellow." He looked at me, his light brown hair falling just below his eyes, his green eyes. The prettiest eyes I've ever seen. They sparkled in the sun.

"Avery, how do you know what yellow looks like?" Josh looked around, knowing that color was a no-no topic.

"Because I see it, Josh!" I pretend to throw a pencil at him.

"No, you don't. If you could they'd put you in the other class." His eyes fall to the ground as Mrs. Golde comes over to us.

"Avery, Josh. Enough of this topic." She takes the colored pencils away from us. "This is not a conversation that any decent young lady or young man has." She looked down at me, her eyes were brown. She had bright red hair, it was rare for me to see bright red hair. She was wearing a purple dress and navy blue shoes. "Avery, only people with vindtem can see color. This nonsense doesn't belong in this classroom. This belongs in the classroom down the hall." In the class, they sent the broken kids. She left us alone after this. Josh made weird faces at me for the rest of the day.

"That wasn't funny. I told you we would get in trouble. Why don't you ever listen to me?" Josh was running behind me as we waited to be picked up.

"Because I am not lying! You are wearing a green shirt josh! Pink shorts and a green shirt! You look like a watermelon!!"

"Watermelons are grey! So are my shorts! And my shirt! Avery, you are a freak." He turned around and left. I wanted to cry. I had ruined the friendship with the only person I've managed to befriend all year. I could hear my mother, she'll be so upset.

I slowly get in the car. My grandma had picked me up today. We went to the mall. I hate the mall. The colors clash, it is so bright, and it is so loud. I start to cry. It doesn't stop.

"Young ladies do not have tantrums in the mall, Avery." She pulled my hand hard and dragged me through the stores. I stopped crying. It hurt to cry at this point. When she dropped me off at home she sent me to my room so she could talk with my mother, I was sure it was about my 'unladylike behavior at the mall. Regardless I was pleased to go to my room. My room is painted yellow, my favorite color. Along its walls, I've hung up photos of bumblebees. Hand-drawn and printed. I love bumblebees. They are yellow and black. Black is the darkest color. My mom can see black and so can Josh, they just can't see yellow. Or any other colors. Only freaks could. I was a freak. I heard my mother say goodbye to my grandma.

"Avery! Please come out here." My mother's voice filled the house with rage. I could feel the stern talking-to I was going to get from here. I arrived downstairs to see my mother dressed in a bright orange shirt, with yellow pants, and purple shoes. "Avery Rose. Not only did your teacher message me that you were spewing about colors again, but your grandmother told me you had a tantrum at the mall. Young ladies behave themselves at all times, but most definitely in public." She looked down at me and kneeled. She put her hands, her cold hands that felt similar to when the ice starts to roll down your skin, but not on a hot summer day on a frigid winter day."Sweetheart, at your age everyone wants to be different. But different is bad. Different is wrong. You want to be normal, and you know what normal people do? They don't see colors. No child of mine sees colors. Now keep up with this nonsense and your father will talk to you next." She ran her hand through my hair and then sent me up to my room.

"Rowan. You are green. Did you know that?" I held up my dinosaur stuffed animal. I had begged my parents for Rowan for five months before they caved. I loved his color and his texture. I pulled him closer to my face. "You are green. I swear I see it."

A/N: I own this story.

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