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   Ariana POV

   I am woken up by the heavy bang from my door, opening my eyes to see the green eyes of my mother standing by the door with a scowl on her face getting up from bed I see my bag opened with my books sprawled on the floor, my room disorganized with all the clothes I removed from my closet while searching for clothes to wear this morning on the floor with some on my reading desk and vanity table don't even ask me how it got there
    I give my mom a sheepish smile before going over to arrange my closet , "You can see all the beautiful clothes I bought for you and yet you decide to wear that " she says pointing at my clothes I didn't even bother to change filled with creases
   "I could have worn those clothes but I don't just comfortable in them " I tell my mother,"How are you not comfortable in them she says pointing at the beautiful gowns,crop tops ,miniskirts and so on. "They are not just my style" I tell her,"So clothes that belong in the the hobo section are your style"she asks as I look at my clothes surely over worn jeans and sneakers aren't clothes for an hobo right?

   "Anyways your dinner is ready so come and eat"She says as I look at the time showing 7:30 pm wow I slept for four hours well this is what binge watching Netflix till 3 caused.

    Walking out of my room I follow her down the stairs to the dining were I help her arrange the plates and cutlery sitting down we silently start eating until my mom speaks "Honey do you want to know what your daughter did today " my mom asks my dad "What did she do?" My dad asks "Your daughter is turning extremely lazy,it wasn't less than two minutes after she came from school before she went to her room and slept without doing her assignment or daily chores or cleaning her room"my mom tells my dad which results to my dad looking at me quizzically with one raised eyebrow "Is it true Olive?" my my dad asks "yes sir" I mumble feeling like a kid getting scolded for taking too many sweets I can't just wait till I go to college I can just feel the freedom

  "You are going to have to do something that will keep you busy" My dad says

    "Like a job?" I ask hesitantly which leads him to nod in appreciation and before I can argue he gives me the look that only dads are good at that look that almost made you feel like you are about to pee your pants when you were younger

    Grumbling silently I finish my dinner before heading upstairs and entering my room I opened my window and stared at the stars in the sky something I always do when I am upset.

    But then I make a mistake by looking at the house close to mine the room opposite mine is opened and I see something no one is meant to see I catch my dear and wonderful neighbour (note the sarcasm) having s** with one of his multiple booty calls.

   I Immediately scream in horror which results in them stopping what they are doing I quickly close the window shut and sit on my bed and try to get that image out of my head

   Then I hear a sound from the window I look up and see him throwing something at my window I get up and open the window which results in me getting a smack in the head by a book he threw.

   "Shit what the hell is wrong with you" I ask him while rubbing the spot the book hit.

    "That's for spoiling my night Scott" he says, "Do I look like I wanted to see that"I ask him

     "You know if you wanted a threesome you you could just have asked" he says in a cocky voice while smirking 

    "What why would I do that" I ask while glaring at him "Because everyone wants a taste of this" he says pointing to his body "Yeah everyone but me asshole" I tell him.
    "That's what they always say Scott don't worry it won't take long before you fall for me" He tells me smirking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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