Chapter 4 - O this learning, what a thing it is!

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"Goooood morning!" Milo chirped, sliding onto the bench across from Moss.

"Urghhh," grunted Moss. They continued looking down at the last few morsels of their chocolate porridge.

"Y'know, you're an absolute ray of sunshine in the morning," Milo said. All he got was another grunt in response. "Excited for lessons to start, aren't you?"

"It's the first day of real lessons, Amity jumped on top of me to wake me up and we've had eight weeks of summer. What do you think?"

"It talks!" Announced Milo.

"Shut uuuuup," groaned Moss.

"I'm afraid if I stop talking you'll fall asleep," Milo joked.

"Let me go to sleep then," said Moss, resting their head on the table.

"I can't. Lessons, remember?"

"Bleurgh," Moss responded.

"We should go now, you've finished eating, right?" Asked Milo.

Moss made yet another groaning/grunting noise in response then stood up and grabbed their bag.

"What do we have first?" Asked Moss less tiredly, the energy starting to kick in after eating breakfast.

"We've got herbology, then for second period we've got arithmancy then it's break time. Afterwards we have care of magical creatures and then it's lunchtime. For periods four and five you've got ancient runes then another free period and I have double potions. In the evening you have astronomy," concluded Milo.

"How do you remember all of this?!"

"I've got a good memory, I guess." Milo shrugged.

"Come on, let's get to herbology and collect some poison," said Moss, dragging Milo towards the greenhouses.

"That is NOT what herbology is for," Milo responded worriedly. "Is that what you are using it for?!"

"No! Of course not!" Moss slipped a small glass vial they had in their pocket into their bag.

"Moss," said Milo.

"It's just a few valerian sprigs! I have insomnia!"

"Fine," responded Milo. "But don't let me catch you slipping anything into anyone's glass."

"I won't. What do you take me for?"

"You don't seem to like people," said Milo.

"Well people are weird and hard to understand. Plants however-"

"Plants I can get behind. They're just. . . better."

The two hurried down to the greenhouses where Professor Longbottom and a few students were waiting outside.

"Okay, students! We'll wait a few more minutes for the rest to come then we'll go to Greenhouse Three!" announced Professor Longbottom.

Milo was glad that they weren't that late, though he wished that they made it earlier.

"Mr Malfoy, Miss Granger-Weasley, you're finally here! This is rather unlike you!"

"Sorry Uncle Nev," said a red-faced Rose Granger-Weasley. She looked like she had run all the way there. "Al was being slow and then we had to herd him off to charms before coming here."

"Well, you're here now. Students, let's go to Greenhouse Three!"

Everyone followed their professor to the greenhouse.

"Want to be my partner?" Milo asked Moss. "Given we get to pick them."

"Sure, but I'm pretty sure this year we have to be put into pairs for 'relationship and team-work building skills'," quoted Moss. The class entered the greenhouse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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